Season 1: The Sucky Outdoors

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"Last time on Total Drama Island: a talent contest brought out the worst in our campers — it was awesome. The Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team, and Bridgette's clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect... Courtney. Gwen stood up to Heather. So, Heather swore to make Gwen's life miserable by stealing her diary. Then, she read it in front of the entire viewing world, revealing that Gwen has a secret crush on someone at camp. Then, Heather managed to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote of Justin "McGorgeousness." Who will be the next one to walk off this lame dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever on Total Drama Island!"


"Campers, todays challenge will test your outdoor-survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive." Duncan laughed next to me at the statement as the rest of the campers gasped, and I smiled at Duncan. Come on, he can't legally kill us, he's just joking... right? "Just joking," Chris laughed, "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need us at your teams campsite in the forest. You just have to find it!" Maps were thrown at us and I watched Chris toss them. Our eyes met and he winked at me, causing my whole body to get hot. Damn this man and the power he had over me. "Oh...  watch out for bears. Lost a couple of inters in preproduction. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility!"

"You think we'll meet a bear?" I whispered to Duncan, causing him to start laughing. I hope we don't need a bear, but it be a little funny if we did.

"I hope. Let's go find one." I smiled and we stood up. An air horn signaled us off and the Gophers headed off as one while Duncan and I strayed apart from the Bass.

"Where are you going?" Courtney yelled from behind, sounding exasperated at us leaving them. "We need to stick together!" Now she sounded like a whiny baby, and it was getting on my nerves. Yet again, Courtney in general got on my nerves. Duncan stopped and tossed Courtney the map he was holding, winking at her before we continued forward.

Giving the map to the group was probably not a good idea. Night had fallen and we were lost, still yet to find the campsite and I'm pretty sure we had already turned this way. One of the camera guys, at least, was following us, so it wasn't just us two lost with no hope. "I'm pretty sure we already turned this way."

"Probably, but I haven't been paying attention." I rolled my eyes, but let out a laugh. I'll admit, even lost in the woods I was having fun. Duncan was overall a fun guy to hang out with, so all this searching for a campsite was enjoyable. I wonder if the rest of the team had found it yet.

He stopped walking for a second to pull his lighter and cigarettes out of his pocket. Pulling a cigarette out of the pack with his lips, he flicked his lighter on and lit the end of it. Smoking never bothered me, not when my brother was a smoker. What did bother me was we were lost in the woods and this is what he was doing. "Seriously?"

He looked up at me as he took a drag. "What? Don't tell me you're going to go all Smokey the Bear on me. I know, I know. Only I can prevent forest fires and whatever. I just need a smoke break, doll." I sighed but stood next to him, waiting for him to either finish or keep walking.

As I stood there like bait, a strange noise came from ahead of us. Or, maybe behind? To the right? "What was that?" I asked, feeling a little startled. Chris did say to watch out for bears. What if it was a bear? "Was that a bear?"

Duncan scoffed and kept walking as if nothing happened. "No way. Chris just said that to make us scared. No way there's an actual bear here. Come on." I looked around, struggling to see much in the dim moonlight. He flicked his cigarette butt into the woods and began walking. I trailed behind with a worried feeling.

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