I had enough.

No more hiding in the dark.

The caged bird shall be set free.

I glanced at the compartment once more before kneeling near it. Although I was forbidden to enter the dungeons, that was Queen Catheline.

But not Lady Cassandra.

It was complicated to reach the dungeons. But I still remembered that there was a window in those dark hallways. I mapped the structure for a long before making my plan. I asked Karra to not be disturbed by anyone and that I would retire to bed early.

That was fixed.

I entered the dungeons through the window and managed to see no one present. That was strange. Why would that be? They must be guarded. But since it was to my advantage, I simply walked through the halls. They were quiet as death.

I reached the spot where I saw my first death. And now, I might commit my first death.

I kept on walking until I reached a large door and out of intuition, I sensed that this was the one. Before, I noticed stairs, probably leading to the lower floors.

I saw that the large door was obviously locked. I bit my lip thoughtfully before pulling my hair pin and unlocking the door successfully. Lock-picking was a hobby of mine.

I had to be quick.

When I opened the door, a powerful smell overtook my nostrils. It was the smell of dust. The walls and the floor were made of dark stones. Clearly, this room was unused for awhile. I glanced around the dark to find a dark figure, hurdled at the corner.

The prisoner was none other than Duke William Sunster. He was shackled and did not notice my presence yet. I carefully closed the door, which produced a creaking noise.

"I'm telling you, boy!" a loud voice made me flinch. "I am not going to tell you anything!"

I walked nearer so he could see me properly. As soon as he did, he was taken aback. He probably expected Xander though. His clothes were unkempt and he no longer looked like the man who spoke to me in the King's study a few days ago. I watched him, while tilting my head softly.


I approached the man. The sight of him made me lose control to the point that my fingers were trembling, itching to grab my sword and spill blood.

"I am afraid that I am called Lady Cassandra, My Lord,"

I bent down to his level and watched him while taking off my mask. The shock on his face was evident. His jaw dropped and his stare sharpened in realization.

"Impossible..."  he muttered, as I saw his eyes widen in the dim light of the moon.

"Anything is possible, William," I smiled coldly as I rubbed my fingers together. "A Queen can be a warrior, just as a man can be a traitor,"

The Duke fell in silence before laughing slowly. "I should have known before..."

"I have a few questions to ask you," I told him, without beating around the bush. "Who do you work for? What do you know of him? I need answers,"

He looked at me with a mocking face before speaking. "What makes you think I would spill my secrets, Your Grace?"

"You will spill your secrets," I smiled impatiently. My fingers reached the hilt of my sword. "Or your blood will be spilled,"

The Lonely Warrior QueenWhere stories live. Discover now