Chapter 2: Shut Up Edgar - Part 1 *Unedited*

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Present Day—17 Years Lived On The Train, A.D. 2031


 The steel gate that separated the people in the tail of the train from the next car screeched open as soldiers stomped in to do the 'bed check'. They call it a 'bed check' we call it a Selection. A Selection is pretty much for when the front of the train need someone and come back here to take that person that is needed.

Have you ever heard of the Holocaust?

That's pretty much how life is on the train. The front section is the free non-Jews. The middle section is Hitler's soldiers. And the tail section is the Jews who are treated like shit. We are treated like filthy animals that sleep in their own shit.

We call it a Selection because during the Holocaust, whenever there was a Selection, a certain amount of Jews would be taken away and they'd never see them again. The selected Jews would be sent to the crematory or were to be tested on with no medicines and chemicals. That's exactly how it is here. Except for we don't know if the selected few are alive or not.

A soldier grabbed a clock of some sort and clicked a button on the top of it as he counted. When he yelled a row number, those people in the row would sit down. That is, until he got to my row.

Everyone in the row sat down, except Curtis. I looked up at Curtis to see him staring intently at the steel doors as they shut, one after another.

It took me a moment to realize what he was doing. Then it hit me. Counting. He was counting the doors to see how long our Door Stopper Train would have to be and how fast we'd have to run to stop them all from closing.

Edgar, who didn't understand what Curtis was doing, whispered quietly, his British accent laced his words, "Curtis. Sit down."

The guard with the watch continued to yell at Curtis, "Hey, you! Sit down," Curtis didn't listen. The guard raised his gun and forcefully yelled, "I said, sit down!"

Just in time, the last door shut and Curtis sat down. Edgar whispered angrily at Curtis, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Before Curtis could answer, I whispered a response, "He's counting."

Edgar looked at me, "Can't he sit and count?" He then looked at Curtis, his eyebrows raised, "Do you want to get shot? You're crazy."

Curtis continued to stare at the doors and mumbled, "Shut up, Edgar. I'm thinking."

The same guard from before turned away from his small conversation with his comrades and yelled, "Are there any experienced violinists here? Raise your hands."

Nobody spoke up, so he acted like we were stupid and yelled a little slower and harsher while motioning his arms like he was playing a violin, "Violinists!"

He did the motions very sloppily, might I add.

A second guard behind him yelled, "Stand up! Come forward!"

The man who usually brought in the protein blocks entered, pushing a cart filled with the gelatin-looking blocks. The man yelled, "Food, come and get it."

Everyone got up from their spots and started to head over to the food cart, others went to the guards.

Curtis, Edgar, and I stood up from our spots on the floor and walked over to the cart to get our protein blocks.

Edgar looked at Curtis and me and said, "Violinists. They must be havin' a laugh. Those bastards in the front section think they own us. Eating their steak dinner and listening to string quartets."

My mouth watered at the thought of steak dinner. Do you know how long it's been since I've had a proper steak dinner? A little over eighteen years.

"It will be different one we get up there." Curtis responded.

"I want steak." Edgar deadpanned.

"I want ravioli." I complained, my stomach growled in agreement. I pointed to my stomach and looked back and forth between Curtis and Edgar, "See? She agrees with me! Ravioli would be amazing! Even just a piece of the cheese would do!"

Edgar grabbed his protein block and continued walking. Curtis rolled his eyes and grabbed his and my protein blocks, "Okay, Ravioli Monster."

He checked mine for a little capsule that would hold the red note. After discovering that there was no capsule in the block, he handed it to me so I could eat.

I nibbled on the block and watched as an old man and woman walked up to the guards.

"Excuse me, sir. M-My wife and I played violin in the Boston Symphony Orchestra. I was first chair." The old man informed.

"Can you still play?" Asked the guard.

"Well of course, you never forget." He responded.

The guard to a step forward, "Show me your hands."

The old man and his wife held out their hands for the guard to inspectand looked at each other curiously. The guard only flipped over the man's hand and then said, "You. Follow me. Leave your belongings, we just need your hands."

The man looked at the guard questionably and wrapped his arm around his wife, "Wh- Not both?"

The guard turned around and looked at the man like he was stupid, "Yes, both hands."

The old man looked at his wife than back at the guard, "My wife, Doris, plays beautifully. Better than me, even."

"They just need one person." The guard deadpanned.

A look of rage crossed the man's face as he shouted, "Then I won't go!" He wrapped his arms around his wife as they turned around to walk away.

A woman yelled to warn Doris as the guard began to walk towards the old couple, "Doris! Doris!"

The guard used his gun and struck Doris across the face. A young girl screamed and held her mother tightly off to the side. Doris fell to the ground and the guard stomped on her hand, causing her to scream in pain.

A different guard who was standing at the entrance yelled, "Sit down. Everyone!"

This time, the tables turned. Curtis and I sat down, while Edgar stayed standing. He obviously wanted to do something to help Doris.

Curtis looked at Edgar and said, "Sit down."

Edgar shook his head and gestured towards the guard who was beating Doris, "No, they can't just-"

I cut him off and pulled on his jacket, "Not now, Edgar. Sit down."

Edgar angrily sat down and whispered, "Those fucking bastards."

"Now isn't the time," Curtis whispered to him.

Edgar took his eyes off of the guards as they continued to beat Doris and looked at Curtis, "Well, when is the time?"

"Soon." I answered for him.

This Chapter Has Not Been Edited And Revised

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