Chapter 1: Past *Unedited*

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It all started eighteen years ago.

It was the beginning of the end.

Young children ask me if I remember how the world was before it was covered in an eternal winter, but I can't remember. In all honesty, I don't want to remember. I block the memories out. Well, the bad ones anyways. I prefer to not think about it much, because when I do all I feel is pain and loneliness.

Before the world was covered in CW-7, I actually had a life. I had a job, a twin, a cat, and an apartment shared between my twin and I. Our parents died in a bank robbery when we were 16. We were taken into the care of our Aunt and Uncle, but they died when CW-7 was released into the atmosphere.

CW-7 is a man-made chemical that scientists created to stop global warming. When released into the upper layers of the atmosphere, it cools the temperature of the climate and lowers it. If too much CW-7 is released into the atmosphere the consequences could be dangerous.

My twin and I were the lucky ones. We had been saving up to move to Scottsdale, Arizona from Cleveland, Ohio, but when too much CW-7 was released into the atmosphere and the world started to go to shit, this train called the Snowpiercer was made. It circled the entire world each year and saved thousands of people's lives. As soon as the tickets were on the market, I bought two using our savings.

My twin, Natasha, died two days before we were to board train. She died in a car accident. People were racing around and panicking about the CW-7 in the atmosphere that was meant to stop global warming, but accidentally turned the world into 'Penguin Paradise'.

Those lucky bastard penguins.

I gave Natasha's ticket to a young child who was six. Her name was Maria. Her father died when he was running across the street to get to their home and was hit by a car. It was a hit and run and since the world was in total chaos, 911 were not responding and he bled out.

I boarded the train with Maria, but right at the beginning, we were separated. She was sent to the front of the train because she wore her nicest clothes and brought all of her father's money, causing her to seem rich. I, on the other hand, was sent to the tail of the train, because I had used all of my money to buy mine and Natasha's tickets.

The first month was bad. We were left without food and people were dying left and right.

Everything went from bad to worse to terrible within the second month. We started to kill the weak and we cooked them on a fire made by someone fortunate enough to have sneaked matches on board and a couple pieces of cardboard. After that, almost everyone became murderers.

Even I killed someone. I regret it every single day of my life. I killed a child's mother. I killed a three year-old boy's mother.

But then one day, everything changed.

I don't know what caused everyone to do it, but left and right people would cut off their limbs and offer it to hungry looking people for them to eat. I tried, but a young man who looked to be 17 came up to me and stopped me from doing so.

Ever since then we've been best friends. Later on, I started to grow feelings for him. His name is Curtis Everett.

A month later, guards came in with these gelatin like blocks called protein bars. They taste like absolute shit in my opinion, but it's either eat them or die. So I ate them.

A couple months ago, we started to get red notes in random protein bars. These notes have inspired Curtis, a man whom we look up to named Gilliam, and to hold a revolution. We've been planning it ever since we got our first red note. After the first month of plotting, we announced it to the rest of the tail section. They were all for it. Some people doubted it'd work, but still helped us with preparing for it.

We tail sectioners didn't know what to expect when we started our fight to the engine; gun firing, blood, chaos, death, screams, sadness, grieving. We just didn't know.

But what we did know, was that Gilliam wouldn't be able to lead us all the way to the engine. It'd have to be Curtis.

{This Chapter Has Not Been Edited And Revised}

Snowpiercer »» Curtis Everett / Chris Evans Fan Fiction ««Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora