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New Orleans was a city full of music, culture, dance, art and life. It was a place where tourists visited, completely unaware of the dangers that crawled around at all hours. It was where most of the locals were clued in on the secrets of the great city, or they were a part of the secret. One or the other – almost everyone would agree that the city of New Orleans was like a breath of fresh air – a breath of life.

Which was ironic considering all the dead people that walked around.

Marcel Gerard was a part of the secret. Being alive for almost 200 years gave him knowledge, and being raised by some of the eldest and most diabolical vampires to live gave him the leadership he needed to become King of the city. And that's what he was – King. He had been ever since the originals were ran out of town almost a century ago.

Marcel had been caught up in the power – he loved it, same as Niklaus Mikaelson, the man who raised him. But almost fifteen years ago now, that all changed. He found something to be human for, someone to be better for.

Ophelia Claire was only five years old. A child, when her coven decided to sacrifice her in the name of power. Ophelia was not like other witches in the French Quarter Coven. She was a defect – an abomination – who had been chosen for a responsibility that no witch thought should be given to her kind. So, instead of accepting that Ophelia had been chosen they agreed to sacrifice her.

The sacrifice was to be held in Lafayette Cemetery, the place where New Orleans witches went to connect to their ancestors that were their source of power. However, before the witches had managed to slit the child's throat, they were stopped by Marcel Gerard and his men.

They, however, did manage to give her a rather large, vertical scar that extended from above her left eyebrow, through it and to the middle of her left cheek. It wasn't ugly – if anything it made her blue eyes stand out more – but it was something that she covered up for the next ten years until she became confident enough to walk out in public. The witches that gave her the scar were dead, but it didn't stop the paranoia from seeping into her mind that someone would recognize her.

After convincing the child that he was not a threat, Marcel left the cemetery with Ophelia and after some debate they changed her name in order to protect her.

Alexandria Gerard was her new name. One that gained her respect, fear and admiration.

However, she had left behind a younger sister – a two-year-old and after a few years of being raised in the attic above the church she finally got the courage to ask Marcel if she could visit her sister and he granted it.

After Alexandria met the girl a few times, the two became incredibly close. They vowed to not let anything happen to each other, and they kept that promise for fifteen years. Davina Claire and Alexandria Gerard. On the outside, they were the least likely of friends, but there was three that knew the truth. They weren't friends – they were sisters.

The only people that knew this secret were Marcel, Davina, and Alexandria. Anyone else knowing was a risk because when Alexandria left the coven to go into hiding she took something. A stone that in all rights was hers because it had chosen her, but the coven wanted it back. Every witch in the world wanted it back.

The sorcerer's stone was legendary – millennia's old and it chose a 'host' every few centuries. The host would be granted it's immeasurable power that included immortality and in return the host would carry out a task. Fail in that task and the stone strips the host of its immortality and it gets passed down to someone else, and so on and so forth until the correct host is chosen.

The stone was said to be passed from coven to coven every few decades in search of a worthy host and when it found one it was incredibly difficult to get rid of. So, when the stone was passed onto the French Quarter Coven and the stone had chosen a host they were overjoyed – but imagine their surprise and disdain when they found it to be the defect.

No one had believed the abomination that was Ophelia Claire was worthy of such power, and that is what triggered the failed sacrifice.

Every single witch in the world was after the stone. Some for its power, some that had a duty to follow the hosts orders and some to kill the host. All witches thought that Marcel had hidden the child, and in a way, he had. It was just right under everyone's noses. No one expected Alexandria Gerard to be the long-lost Ophelia Claire. No one expected Alexandria to be the legend that was spoken with both fear and admiration throughout the entirety of the supernatural community.

The stone had almost a mind of its own – much like its magic. Originally the stone was the size of one's palm, a metallic lilac color and not completely opaque. However, once it realized that its host was in hiding it shrunk down, turned into a dark color blue and covered itself in an antique iron setting. On the outside it looked like a normal daylight ring but on the inside, it held more power than the entirety of the French Quarter Coven.

The first five years of Alexandria's life was filled with abuse from the coven and the following fifteen were filled with death, magic, vampires and secrets. Marcel ensured that his daughter got a good education, both in the art of magic and human academia. She excelled at the human academics, specifically the arts, resulting in her 'graduating' from school a full two years earlier than normal.

Her teachers were mostly Marcel and Thierry – one of her best friends – and her sister taught her a lot of magic whenever they met in the attic above the church.

The attic above the church was a sort of sanctuary for Alexandria. It was where she lived for the first ten years of her life, and it was where she practiced magic, music and art. It was also where she met Davina in secret so the coven couldn't find her. After she turned 15, Marcel decided that no New Orleans witch would recognize her and allowed her to live at the compound where most of his vampires already knew who she was. She was Marcel's daughter – and she was entirely off limits.

But today something changed. She could feel it in the air. Something was coming. Something powerful.

And the only thing that was on Alex's mind was her task. The one the sorcerer's stone was giving her.

She had to protect. 

Alexandria Gerard - The Originals (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant