Chapter 10: Rizevim You Mother F*cker

Start from the beginning

"Well that's dumb." Issei crossed his arms while he glared at Rizevim. "You're just running away."

"Wow, you sure are rude to call it stupid like that, but yes, that is my goal."  Rizevim smiled. "Devils may live long lifespans, but very few form their own goals. To think, back when I was your guy's age, I was very selfish and worried not about things that were important. I was basically an object capable of speech. Then Euclid showed me proof of another world, Ophis' power, the Holy Grail, and finally Trihexa. My heart was beating so fast with excitement that I revived numerous Evil Dragons just to bring Chaos into the world so I can go wild!"

"Okay, it's official, your grandpa is a goddamn psycho." Issei looked at Vali, who rolled his eyes. "I mean, why would anyone just wreck havoc in another world!"

"Hey! You don't see me insulting your guys' goals." Rizevim crossed his arms like a pouting child.

"Listen boy, devils are evil beings, we have to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scumbags, wrong, brutish, and vicious." Rizevim glared at us. "What's the point of being a hero? That is something one of the good guys would do. You know, like a human or angel. We devils are naturally evil, so why bother being good?"

"Have you ever heard of free will?" I asked Rizevim. "We can be heroes if we choose to be, and angels can choose to be villains. Choice is a thing, and I choose to be a hero."

"So, you wish to be a hero?" Rizevim chuckled to himself before snapping his fingers. "Go ahead and be a hero, save them all."

Out of nowhere, the ground shook violently, and I turned on my mask's x-ray vision to see what was going on outside. Outside, I saw massive bodies emerge from buildings, and then I realized the massive bodies were actually dragons?! I could also see various vampires were running away, but not all of them were able to get up and run, some people were left behind, some were pinned underneath some of the rubble, while the ones who were running away were being targeted by the dragons that just appeared!

"Yup, this is it, with a snap of my fingers, the enhanced vampires of the Tepes faction AND the traitors of the Carmella faction who accepted our offer, will turn into drag-!" Before Rizevim could finish his sentence, I ran through the stone brick wall and into the outside. "Holy shit he did NOT waste a second!"

"Sealboi's Cool Platoon, roll out!" Le Fay ordered, and the former members of the Khaos Brigade followed close behind me, with Vali activating his Balance Breaker while simultaneously giving his grandfather the double bird.

"I thought it was the Sealboi Protection Squad?" Kuroka wondered as they followed me.

"Yeah, but she and Bikou changed the name when they learned they could legally call themselves SCP." Arthur explained while he unsheathed Caliburn. "So, I guess we're killing evil dragons, (Y/N)?"

"Huh? I'm not your guy's leader, so you don't need to follow me." I explained while summoning an M249 in my spare hand. "Why are you guys following me anyways? I gave Cao Cao back his Longinus, so you guys can leave and we'd be powerless to stop you."

"Jeez what kind of dicks do you think we are?"

"The kind that kidnaps people's moms."

"Fair, but people change." Cao Cao answered back to me as he prepared his spear. "You could have thrown us all in prison, but you don't, so of course we'd learn to respect you."

"Lord (Y/N), what should we do?" Connla, who I forgot was here at all, got my attention.

"I have no clue, let's just focus on saving as many as possible."

The first dragon in front of us noticed us right away, and began breathing in to prepare for a fire breath attack. All of us scattered out of the way in our own directions. I landed atop of one of the ruined buildings and aimed my M249 at the dragon. I infused the bullets with magma magic before running along the side of the building to empty the magazine into the massive dragon's body. To help me out, Kuroka used her senjutsu to cover the dragon's feet in rock, making it hard for the dragon to move. As I ran, I could hear something. I temporarily stopped firing to hear someone crying, so I looked around with my x-Ray vision. My eyes landed on a small vampire boy buried underneath some rubble. Without warning, I jumped off the building and ran towards the rubble to lift the broken building while using one hand to fire the M249 into the dragon's neck with lava infused bullets. The vampire boy thanked me before running out of the rubble and out of the city. I noticed that he wasn't the only one, there were more people trapped underneath the rubble.

"(Y/N), you, Connla, Kuroka, Le Fay, Georg, and Leonardo focus on getting everyone out of the rubble!" Cao Cao ordered as he shot a laser from the tip of his spear.

I wanted to prioritize the safety of the citizens anyway, so we all began running around, in search of people who could use our help. At the spot where we left the others, I noticed a giant magic circle alongside a giant wolf. The golem known as Gogmagog came from the magic circle and grabbed the long and slender neck of the dragon before throwing it into the mouth of the giant Fenrir, which tore through the dragon with it's fearsomely large teeth. I managed to find a small girl trying to help pull her little sister out from underneath the rubble, so Connla used his shadows to absorb the rubble before chucking it into the eye of a nearby dragon, which was being fought off by Vali. Arthur and Bikou were tag teaming a nearby dragon as well, with Bikou extending his staff to strike the eyes of the dragon, giving Arthur an opening to slash the dragon's neck using Caliburn. We soon found a vampire wife trying to save her vampire husband, so Le Fay used some kind of magic wand to telekinetically move the rubble away. Kuroka also found a different couple and used her Senjutsu to make pillars of rock that lifted the rubble, allowing the two lovers to escape. Leonardo noticed one of the dragons coming towards us, so he placed his hands on the ground and summoned a giant minotaur-like monster with four arms. Leonardo's monster grabbed the horns of the dragon and kneed it in it's chin before twisting the dragon onto it's back. The Minotaur held the dragon down by it's wings before using it's their two arms to rapidly punch the dragon's head, turning it into a bloody puddle. Georg on the other hand, summoned a series of magic circles in a straight line, facing each other before firing a concentrated beam of magical energy towards one of the dragons, piercing through its skull to strike the brain, causing the dragon to fall onto the ground. Now that I think about it, these mass produced dragons Rizevim were producing were incredibly weak. I lifted a collapsed building and found a pair of men holding onto one another.

"Please don't tell anyone you found us here, our families don't approve of us being together." One of the two men pleaded, why is it people keep saying stuff like that when I find them together? Plus, this is not a problem considering the entire faction is being attacked by dragons.

"Okay, but please just focus on getting yourselves to safety in all of this." I used my spare hand to gesture to the dragons attacking the Tepes Faction.

The lovers ran away from the scene, and I noticed a dragon was about to bite them, so I threw a grenade at the dragon, and the dragon ate it before quickly regretting it's decision. The dragon tried spitting the grenade out, but it was useless, the grenade blew up at the neck of the dragon, causing the head to fall to the ground before the torso followed through. Before I could help anyone else, I was suddenly punched into a nearby tower that hasn't collapsed yet, and the force was so strong I was sent through the wall and stopped in the middle of the tower, causing it to collapse down on top of me. Lucky for me, I summoned Genbu and protected myself from the rubble using the massive shield. I used my binocular vision with my goggles to see who punched me, but at first I was confused because the person who punched me was dawning the Red Dragon's Balance Breaker. However, I noticed something off about this balance breaker, it was red, sure, but the green spots were purple for some reason. I used my mana vision to see what the deal was, and the magic energy the body was giving off wasn't even Issei's, this magic energy looked like someone else's.

Euclid Lucifuge.

"Junkyard Seal."

(A/N: You know, I always wonder if there's a daddy fetish. And not just calling someone daddy, I mean like a father figure. Like how a mommy fetish revolves around things a mother would usually do, so I think a daddy fetish would work the same way. By telling dad jokes and having a horrible fashion sense.

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