Season 1: Prepare For More

Start from the beginning

"That's impressive." Chris nodded and started playing with my hair, wrapping a strand around his fingers. He seemed distracted by something else other than the twist that the finale was.

Our eyes met and he smiled, eagerness evident in his face. "Mhmm. I have some news, Lil." I furrowed my brows and he slightly cocked his head to look at me better. "We got picked up for a second season, original cast but new location. I didn't know if you would be interested in returning with everything that's happened."

My brows un-furrowed and raised instead, myself looking at Chris in surprise. I knew a second season of this show would happen — how could it not? The show was a crazy hit with its audience and, according to Chris, it has been trending nearly every episode on Twitter. What confused me was sticking with the original cash? I could only assume it was because the audience enjoyed the cast and sometimes new casts make the show boring. "Really?" He nodded and he shifted slightly, his left leg going more toward the armrest so my head fell between his legs. His right leg scooted closer so my head wasn't fully tilted back. "You can count me in if I'm not going to get hurt this time."

"Oh, you'll definitely get hurt, none of you guys are getting let off the hook that easily. But you won't go through what you did again, trust me." At least he's honest. I knew nothing as bad as my accident could happen, not likely, at least. And I surely hoped it didn't because I didn't have enough room in my pockets to hold any more medical supplies. My usual shorts didn't even have pockets, I'd have to buy a fanny pack before next season just to carry my inhaler. "You're actually interested, though?"

I nodded, shrugging while blinking. "Yeah, definitely. I had a lot of fun, I wish I could've continued this season. Will you be okay with it?" By me doing the show, it would postpone the plan of me moving in with him. We hadn't fully talked about it so there wasn't really a set plan, anyhow.

Chris nodded, and his hand left my hair to rest on my exposed stomach. My shirt must've rosed up without me realizing. Well, actually, it was his shirt. I was also wearing his sweat pants and a pair of his boxers. They were ten times comfier than my clothes, okay? "That's okay, I'll be on set hosting nearly all day and staying on set at night so it's not that I'll be missing out in time with you. If you didn't come back for season two, we wouldn't see each other for weeks." He was right. How did I manage to forget he wouldn't be coming home after each film session?

"Then I'll be seeing you on season two." I smiled and Chris returned the expression, leaning down to kiss me. I lifted my head up to make it easier on him, and before I realized it I was nearly completely in his lap. I was fully submerged in the feeling of his lips on mine, his hand on my side, and his other hand on the back of my head. He was ever so gentle in his movements, something he started after my injuries. Admittedly, everything after my accident because lowkey, including our sex life. Thankfully, Chris didn't seem to mind at all. I was worried that he might become frustrated that we couldn't do anything and yet he seemed content.

"As badly as I want you right now," he pulled away, looking at me with pupils nearly the size of his iris, "we have to start packing to be at the hotel tomorrow. I'm needed on the new set in the morning." Damn, not even a break? Sheesh. My eyes widened and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Way to tell me that it was urgent," I stated, causing him to laugh. "Come on, let's get going then."

Most of my personal belongings were already in my suitcase, both because I had been bumming off of Chris for his clothes and because I knew we weren't staying here long enough for me to find proper places for my belongings. So, by "us" packing, it was more so me putting a few of my shirts up and being done while Chris packed multiple suitcases. He barely wore half of the stuff he had brought before the show started, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. Never know when you need a backup shirt.

I sat on the bed and helped fold his clothes, laying them in the suitcases neatly. It didn't take too long in the packing up process thankfully, and we were out of the cabin within the hour. One of the crewmen was handed the suitcases by Chris as I hid in the bathroom, though I'm sure most of the crewmen knew about us. Still, I took no chances.

We boarded the same janky boat that brought us to the island and I gave the island a sad smile as we pulled off. Chef was driving and he stayed silent, as he usually did. I'm sure he was just thrilled to have another season... that was sarcasm. I let myself lean against Chris and shut my eyes, enjoying the wind rushing against my body. I was excited, for season two and for all the possibilities that it was going to hold. Memories, laughter, hidden time with Chris as we snuck off to somewhere hidden. I couldn't wait.

We made it to the hotel a little past ten at night. It was still early compared to when I usually went to sleep, but I felt beyond wore out. Bad timing to say it, considering I have to endure a whole 'nother season of this bullshit. I was silently hopping for this seasons challenges to go a lot easier on us. Or, by some freak reason, Chris would go easier on us.

But, we all know that Chris McLean loves the fame, spotlight, attention more than he will ever love the well-being of the contestants.

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