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Four years has flown by like a breeze and San was still in the little town, watching over Somang as she grew. Every little thing about her, fascinated him. Which was quite a shocker considering he was none other than Satan himself. He lived for thousand of years and simple things like this had never ever got to him before.

Until Somang came around. Why was this little girl effecting him so much? The real question was why did he make her as his bride in the first place? All these questions kept him preoccupied and clouded his mind.

Somang was now thirteen and entering middle school. She always smiled at everyone and became quite popular with the students and teachers, showing them kindness and helping out. She always put others before herself, some may even refer to her as a push over which she brushed off with a hearty laugh.

But San always knew that it was all a fake act she put up for the people around her. Once she was alone, her smile ceased and she had a blank expression. When she went home, the only people left in the big house were her parents who she barely saw. They were always flying around the world for their "business".

Her two older brothers, Seokjin and Namjoon were constantly in the office. Leaving extremely early and coming back late at night. Even though they made the effort to check up on her from time to time, Somang felt like they weren't really there.

Taehyung on the other hand was now in highschool, preparing to  take the entrance exam for college. He was also rarely at home, hanging out with his friends and girlfriend.

Somang was always alone at home, she didn't particularly go anywhere besides sitting in her room, writing. San always pondered about what she could possibly be doodling down, humming along to the music which played softly in the background.

San found himself so intrigued to the point that he turned himself into a middle schooler. Entering not only to her school but the same class as well. Somang gazed absently outside and didn't pay San much attention even as he was introduced to the class. His eyes stayed locked onto her throughout the whole ordeal.

He walked up to Somang, afterwards that same day. Pressing his palm against his chest as introduced himself, again. Somang thought to herself that he was just another fake person, wanting to use her to get good marks, do their clean up schedule or get them out of trouble. Just like the many others. She spared him her honest thoughts and instead fluttered a fake smile and introduced herself.

She didn't bother to continue their conversation and averted her gaze elsewhere. San didn't push it and continued to observe her like any other day. At the end of the school day, he had found her sitting on the banks. Everyone else had disappeared home except for her, her little book sprawled open on her lap and she wrote.

San found himself casually coming up to her, his gaze flickering down to her book. "What are you writing?"

Somang didn't bother to look up at him and began to collect her bag. "My thoughts and dreams."

She walked down the bank before San could reply to her answer. He refused to let her go that easily so instead he went down the bank too and fell in step with Somang.

"Everyone's already gone," San said, mainly to himself before turning towards her. "Do you mind if I could walk you home?"

Somang openes her mouth to reject his offer but suddenly thought against it. She gave him a curt nod of approval. And so they walked to rest of the way to her house together, making small talk.

After that day, Somang didn't reject San's continous offers to talk to her and soon enough as they began to get to know each other better, she began to realise that he geniunely wanted to be her friend.

Despite her own distrust with not only San but herself believing that he may let her down like everyone else  Somang felt comfortable and safe around him for some reason. As if he had been with her from the very start of her existence. Little did she know that her theory was correct.

Every accident, little or major that could've led to her death or injured her -- he prevented. It was as if he were her guardian angel, but we all knew he was far from that.

Days flew by into weeks which turned into months. Now two years later of their friendship, fifteen year olds who were getting ready for highschool with each other by their side. They had became best friends with an inseparable bond.

San was still hung over and curious about what Somang wrote in her notebook and yet everytime he asked her all he would get in reply were 'dreams and thoughts'. So one day, after his patience ran thin, San had sunk into her room.

San didn't have to worry about getting caught because he was invisible. Finding her little book on the night stand, San flipped it open to the first page and scanned. It led him to flip further into the book.

Somang had been writing novels and poetry. She hadn't really lied to him, it was her thoughts. Her thoughts and dreams. And her dream was to just disappear from the world and never come back. To just close her eyes and never wake up again. So much feelings poured onto paper. Reading everything, he could tell that she was perfectly fine on the outside but completely dead on the inside.

Devoid of every emotion because of everyone she trusted had somehow hurt her. Everyone she had loved always walked away from her. It wasn'ttheir fault, there was nothing wrong with them. What she felt was that something was wrong with her.

San continued to read which quickly led him to believe that Somang was going into depression. He thought about this years ago and had tried to help her but failed. Now all he could do was sit by her side and make sure she didn't do anything stupid.

He placed the book down and walked up to her bedside. Turning back into his normal form and shedding his invisibility, San kissed her on the forehead and disappeared the next second.

Anger had filled him and he decided to let off some steam by attending a contract he needed to collect, where he tortured a murderer.

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Big shout out to my lovely

wineisredder for helping me with this story

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