A pair of arms slowly wrapped around her, pulling the older woman close to the male's chest as the blonde-haired figure softly began to caress her neck with his lips. Chuckling at the man's caress she laid her pencil down and moved her hands to touch the arms that held her. "...What are you doing?"

The man hummed, "Me...? I'm simply trying to draw my woman back to 'our' bed, where she belongs." The man tiredly muttered, burying his face into her neck. "With me."

"My, my~ You're being extra clingy tonight." Meiko teasingly muttered, nestling herself more into the man's arms. "However do you sleep without me to warm your bed when you go away, Manjiro."

The man, the adult Sano Manjiro, Mikey, of the Tokyo Manji Gang smirked as he only held her closer. "Who says I do?"

She lightly flicked him on his head, sighing as she quietly muttered, "That isn't good Manjiro. You overwork enough as is, so please take care of yourself."

Chuckling Mikey could only tighten his grip on Meiko's form, "That's why I have you isn't it." Burying his face in her shoulder, he laid down a few more kisses. "You... are my home... my light... and the one last good I have left in this world..." Meiko shivered, as she felt her lover's hands move to caress her arms. Mikey's eyes becoming much darker and hollow as he muttered. "If anything ever happened to you—"

She turned in her seat and quickly caught the gang leader's face in her hands, looking up to him as she softly shushed him. "Shhh~ Hey, don't start with that," Meiko whispered, pulling the taller man's face close to touch foreheads. "Nothing bad is going to happen to me... To 'us'!" Meiko tried to reassure. "You have to have faith that things will be okay. Especially with recent events, we're supposed to be happy Manjiro. Even with all these obstacles, we're still finding our own happiness." She nuzzled his nose lovingly, "So don't let worry and other people ruin it for us... for you."

Softly smiling at his lover's words, Mikey pulled her into a kiss. Holding her in place for a solid few seconds before pulling away. "I love you."

"I love you too." Meiko smiled back.

Looking over his lover's smaller frame, Mikey's smile dropped, and a look of anger briefly flashed through his face. "Is that the letter for 'him'." He almost seemed to hiss at the mention of the person Meiko wrote to. An obvious dislike was on full display, as his eyes became apathetic and cold looking over the letter he knew his lover had poured her heart, soul, and tears into over the past few days since first attempting to write the offending message.

Frowning at the man's words and looking, Meiko slightly pulled away from his touch to grab hold of the letter. "Please don't start Manjiro. He's my brother."

"He abandoned you!" Mikey almost growled, "Ran away like a coward with his tail between his legs and left you all alone!" He glared while looking at her– not at her precisely, no, never at her– but at the phantom of a man, he knew used to resemble his love in many ways from the old photos she still carried from her youth. He glared at the phantom that was Hanagaki Takemichi, the brother who ran away and left his poor sister behind with a shattered heart. "If I ever met this asshole face to face, I'd—"

"Mikey please!" Meiko begged, placing a desperate hand on his tensed arms. "I know you don't like what Michi did, but he's still my family!" She steadfastly declared, rising from her seat.

"He hurt you." Mikey seriously stated as Meiko wet her dry lips.

"Siblings do that all the time!"

"Not like that!" Mikey snapped, making the dark-haired woman jump back, his eyes widen realizing he'd raised his voice to her. Softening his gaze he tried to redeem himself, "That bastard left you over ten years ago, he never even contacted you in all these years. Everything that you've told me about that 'brother' of yours has only ever made it seem like he never appreciated you with the way he just up and left." He sighed, "Siblings... Siblings should never hurt one another like that. " His eyes became glazed as the memories of his past still haunted his very present.

Butterfly kisses and Flower petal wishesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن