"YEAH!" shouts the Clown Pirates while getting ready to fight.

The natives also raise their weapons and get ready to join the battle. Spider Maelstorm Pirates also draw their weapons to fight. Everyone is ready for an all-out war now.

Richard takes Squard back and Buggy lets them leave. Squard looks at his crew with a bitter expression, but then he looks serious. What happened has happened, he needs to move on and think of the best for his crew.

"It has become like this, so we don't have any choice. Let's go all out!" says Squard to his crew.

"YEAH!" yells Squard's crewmates.

Both sides get ready for battle and a moment later, each Captain gives their order, "ATTACK!"

Both sides move to attack each other with their weapons. Some of Squard's crewmates shoot their guns and the natives shoot their spear bazooka. The main members of both sides run forward to fight at close range.

Buggy clash with Squard again, Cricket face Richard, Mantis face a man who wields a hammer, while Jude faces a girl who wields a staff. The natives are facing the other pirates using their spears and bazookas.

Now both crews go all out and use all their power & abilities. Buggy also starts using his devil fruit along with his swords' devil fruits. He can be said to be a 3 devil fruits user now.

Buggy uses his favorite attack, the spinning swords to attack Squard. He activates Castor's & Pollux's devil fruits too.

Castor's hardening ability make Squard's swords wheeze. While Pollux's pressure makes Squard move back because of the pressure.

Buggy also keeps attacking Squard with his elbows and kicks. It made Squard feels overwhelmed and he can only defend Buggy's attacks.

Squard's crewmates want to help him, but the Clowns & natives are not weak so they can't help Squard. Squard's crew is strong, as they are New World Pirates.

But Buggy has trained his crew to be strong and now they're at Grandline's level. The battle with Happo Navy also made them stronger and they won't lose to Squard's crew.

Squard's crew is also not very strong now as even Squard only has 110 million bounty even when he has sailed in New World. It proves that his threat is really low and so is his power for New World standard.

Even Luffy already has a bounty of 300 million before he reaches Sabaody. Sure, a bounty doesn't represent strength, but the threat to WG. Even so, weak pirates won't get high bounty that easily.

Buggy keeps pushing Squard, but Squard is very resilient. Squard can defend Buggy's attack using his swords and armament haki. He uses his swords to defend Buggy's swords and he covers his body with haki to defend Buggy's elbows & kicks.

Buggy then controls his swords to attack Squard from below. Squard defends with his swords, but it makes his swords fling up and so are his hands.

Buggy uses this chance and detaches his arms. He throws his arms to Squard's arms and locks it up. Then Buggy controls both his swords to strike Squard's body.


"GAHK!" Squard gets slashed and a deep X wound appears on his torso.

Blood gushes out from Squard's wounds and he spits some blood. Buggy hasn't finished and he kicks Squard's body with a haki covered foot.

Buggy kick as hard as he can and it makes Squard fling away and crashes to the ground. Squard loses grip of his swords and he rolls on the ground.

"CAPTAIN!" yells Squard's crewmates.

Squard's wounds are deep, especially the one inflicted by Pollux. Buggy has used Pollux's ability and it makes a deep wound on Squard's body. Even Squard's haki can't defend it and he is done.

Buggy jumps to Squard and revert his body to normal. Then Buggy raises Pollux to the sky and charges its power, ready to slash Squard's neck.

Squard's crewmates yell at Buggy to stop and try to run at him, but Buggy's crewmates stop them. Jude spread her ash to grab them and stop their track.

"STOP IT! AREN'T YOU AFRAID OF WHITEBEARD'S ANGER?" shouts Richard, he tries to stop Buggy.

"If that old man comes after me, he will get the same fate. I, Buggy, don't fear anyone even Gods on Mary Geoise. If Whitebeard comes to avenge his fool son, then let him come. I will entertain him and tell him to educate his sons correctly," says Buggy with an overwhelming tone.

Everyone's heart trembles hearing that and they are rooted in their place. What they hear from Buggy isn't arrogance, it's pride and pure belief.

Buggy swings his sword down, but suddenly, a voice is heard from a denden mushi, "Gurarara, you've became stronger, Red Nose brat."

Buggy stops his sword right on Squard's neck. looks at the denden mushi that is held by a chore boy from Squard's ship and says, "Whitebeard."


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1. Chapter 91 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 102 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

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