47. Parting With Salaki

Start from the beginning

"SHYYAAA!"-Salaki roar to the sky before she dives down to the sea and leaves.

"Sigh, I'll miss her."-Mantis

"We'll meet again in the future, don't worry! When we meet again, it will be after we explore the world and see all its wonder."-Buggy

"But how will we meet her again? We don't even know her homeland's location."-Mantis

"Don't worry, I have a piece of her broken scale. We can use it to make something that can lead us to her in the future."-Buggy

"Heh, I don't know that something like that is possible."-Cricket

"It is, I'll show you how when we reach Grandline. Now, let's sail to our next destination, Toroa."-Buggy

The Clown Pirates now move to Toroa. They will pursue one of their target on West Blue, finding Robin. They will search for her while keep their goal to explore West Blue.

They sail slowly and enjoy their way to Toroa. They use their time to play, train, and do whatever they want. Then on the 2nd day, they encounter a pirate ship.

"Hooh, a pirate crew, what crew are they?"-Buggy

"Let me check the bounty list."-Jude

Jude take their collection of bounty papers and read through them.

"They're Chest Hair Pirates. Their captain has the bounty of 3 million, while their vice-captain has 523 thousand belly."-Jude

"3 million and 523k? Such pitiful bounties. Also, what's with their Crew name?"-Cricket

"It is said that they're a new pirate crew that made a ruckus on a town last week. Their crew name was made because of their trait. All of them have chest hair, thin or thick. In fact, the ruckus that they made was because they were showing off their chest hair to civilians, in an annoying way."-Jude

"Hmm, they don't sound like bad people, just some weirdos. But they've become pirates, so they need to know the consequences. You guys, go fight them to train your fighting skills! Don't sink their ship, so we can rob them clean!"-Buggy

""Aye aye!""-Cricket, Mantis, & Jude

The Clown Pirates move their ship faster to chase the Chest Hair Pirates. The Chest Hair also sees the Clown's ship and gets excited. They haven't heard of Clown Pirates at all, and think they're easy prey.

When their ship gets closer, both crews start to shoot at each other with their cannons. But the Clown's cannons have longer range and stronger power. That's why the Chest Hair's ship can't damage the Clown's ship, while their own ship is broken.

"Captain, our ship won't last long if we keep getting shot like this."-Chest Hair 1

"I know, but we won't be able to run away too, they're fast."-Chest Hair Captain

"Captain, let's risk it and get closer to them so we can have close combat on the ship."-Chest Hair Vice-Captain

"I guess you're right. MOVE THE SHIP CLOSER, WE'LL ATTACK THEM ON THE DECK!"-Chest Hair Captain

""YEEEAAHH""-Chest Hair Pirates

When the enemies move their ship closer, Buggy tells his crew to stop shooting and go to fight the enemies head-on.

"Fight on their deck! I don't want to make my ship's floor dirty again."-Buggy

The 2 pirate ships get closer to each other, and the Clowns immediately jump to the enemy's ship. Buggy just stays behind to watch his crewmates fight.

When the fight broke, Buggy watch the 3's fight intently. Cricket fight just with his martial art, and not using his pistols. Mantis now uses a steel bat because she thinks she needs a weapon. Both Cricket & Mantis can easily fight the weak enemy pirates.

As for Jude, she tries to use her new spear alongside her devil fruit. But just as Buggy's predicted, she is still confused about how to use these 2 new things.

Her mistake is that she tries to use a spear before she can even understand her devil fruit rather well. So now she fights clumsily and gets hit numerous times.

'I won't tell her what she needs to do, she needs to know it herself. Luckily she is a logia, so even if she keeps getting hit, none of their attacks work.'-Buggy

Buggy keeps watching his crewmates fight, and soon they win. From 34 pirates, Cricket takes out 16, Mantis 12, and Jude just take out 6. Jude takes out a few even though she can take out all of them if she can use her devil fruit power well.

Well, even if she has good power like this, her fighting experience is very low, so it's understandable. This battle will be a good experience for her. That's also why Buggy choose these weak pirates because they're good training partners for Jude.

"Good work, now rob their ship and we'll leave after that."-Buggy

The Clowns rob the ship and only find very few valuables. These guys are new and don't have much money after all. After robbing the Chest Hair Pirates, the Clown Pirates leave and continue their way to Toroa.


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