04|LOVERS and friends

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My eyes on you
Wanna spend my life, my life with you
Don't worry 'cause it's saved, it's saved for you


MARCH 18, 2016

"Have you and Sire made it official yet?" Inquired Diamonté from the other end of the line.

"No. Not yet. We still testing each other out," Jireh answered, taking a seat at the edge of her bed to tie her shoe laces.

"From the way y'all having traditional lunch dates every Wednesday and shit it's gettin' kinda serious between y'all. What's stopping you? It's obvious he's ready."

"Nothing is stopping me, DiDi," Jireh sighed softly. "Don't get me wrong, I like him more than a friend and that's a given from all the quality time we've been spending together. It's just..." There was pause.

"You haven't told him about you and Jaytee, huh?"


"Girl, I would say it, but you already know what it is and what you gonna have to do about that."

Jireh slouched with her hands on her knees, a small pout formed on her lips. "I know. I'm just waiting on the right time to do it. I don't want Michael to feel he can't be my friend because I used to be in a relationship with someone he despises."

"Ji, you already know I support you and have yo' back no matter what, but there's never a right time for situations like these. Let him know wassup before shit get real between y'all. Don't walk into no shit withholding secrets."

"I know. I know. Look, I'ma tell him. Just give me time to figure this all out first."

"Aye, do you, but make it snappy."

"I will," she replied, feeling her phone vibrate against her ear indicating a notification.

JIREH put the call on speakerphone and scrolled her notification's bar down to see she received a text message from Michael. She'd always found it eerie yet funny how everytime Michael's name is brought up, he's either calling or texting her phone. It was as if he knew he was being talked about. Kind of like some sixth sense or something.

Michael - Where u at?

Jireh - About to be omw.

Michael - Aight. Hurry up. I'm bored without you.

Jireh - Lol I'm coming.

"You almost at The Tracks?" Came Jireh's question.

"Finna pull up right about...now," Diamonté tells her.

"Okay. I'm about to be on my way. I'll see you and the girls in ten minutes."

"A'ight, boo."


TALKING about packed out like Beyonce at her sold out shows at arenas, The Tracks was full of people, cars, and sportsbikes and loud music coming from the speakers. The Battle of the Coast was a race taking place that evening. Gulfport and Biloxi crews each will go head to head as teammates, repping their city. Whichever city has the best out of 15 races takes home the win and each crew wins a five-hundred dollar reward.

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