Act Three- I annoy everyone even when I'm sleeping

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He sat up fully. "What's on your list? We can work through some of this together."

I opened my mouth but stopped and narrowed my eyes. "Nuh-uh, you aren't going to trick me into accepting your help. I wanted to hear how you were, how did this get switched onto my problems?"

He sighed.

"Annabeth got this stupid idea to try and crimp and straighten her hair like Lizzie McGuire to impress a boy in her class," he offered instead of continuing our conversation.

I gladly took it with a cackle. "Did it work?"

His long-suffering face was hilarious. "No, she came home angry because he told her that he thought there was something in her eye because she fluttered her eyelashes at him too much. On the other hand, Mrs Chase- Susan- and I get along well since we are the ones always talking to her through her..." He wrinkled his nose. "Boy troubles."

I had to wipe away a tear. "Yeah, she's fine. I've made that mistake once too- oh, the outfit I thought that Harry Styles would see me in and fall in love with me was so stupid! I looked like a Disney Channel star!"

He grinned and the conversation devolved into an argument over our stupid teenager antics.

I think I won- I pointed out to him that he's literally wearing a puka shell necklace with a button-down that looks like a 60's striped wallpaper. He got more offended than a cat dumped in bathwater and insisted that it was fashion. I told him he'd regret that when he looked back at his college pictures in ten years. His pout made me giggle like a maniac.


"Hello Ophelia," Thalia greeted. "You're late."

I snapped my eyes open and was greeted with eyes bluer than the sky on a mountaintop.

"You sound like a disgruntled mom," I grumbled, sitting up. "And it's not like you can keep time in here, you have no idea if I'm late or not." In my defence, her shit-eating grin annoyed me.

"It was fun to say," she hummed. "Also, you avoided giving me an answer, why are you late?"

I rolled my eyes. "Luke and I got into a heated discussion about who has done the stupider thing trying to impress others."

"What prompted that?"

"Annabeth was trying to impress a boy but hates him now because she did that awkward middle-schooler thing of batting your eyelashes. It backfired when he asked her if there was something in her eye."

Thalia chortled, "Oh no. How did Luke deal with that?"

"Apparently," I told her, an impish grin spreading, "he slipped her a chocolate bar under her bedroom door where she locked herself in and reassured her that boys are just stupid."

We shared a good laugh over the mental image.

"So how's the top world? Anything important coming up soon?" she asked after we stopped.

I felt the smile slip off my face. I have to tell her.

"Thalia." My mouth was dry as I turned serious. "Someone's going to try and kill you."

She snorted, "Right. Pull the other one. Seriously though, what's up?"

I continued to look at her silently, willing her to realise my non-existent amusement.

The good cheer slipped off her face as she realised that I wasn't joking.

"Ophelia, what do you mean someone's going to try and murder me? I'm a tree! I'm a magical tree! How do you kill a magical tree?" she demanded, grabbing me by my forearms.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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Who the hell thought making me a Half-blood was a good idea? {ON HOLD}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang