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Assembly is first thing in the morning.

Peak for Kadijah.

A middle aged lady with blond hair stood at the front with police behind her.

"Strange" Kadijah thought.

There's small murmurs in the crowd but then it quiets down when the deputy head clears her throat.

"Good morning year 11s, you might be wondering why we have an  assembly today even though we had one yesterday"

"After school, a huge group of people from our school and other schools in the borough attended a huge party which was held by a recipient who will remain anonymous"

Kadijah looks at Eva who is shaking.

"In which this huge gathering led to an unfortunate shooting,right now as we speak Sumaya Campbell is currently in hospital fighting for her life"

Kadijah didn't know that Sumaya was also at the party.

Even though they were not friends anymore she still felt sympathy for her

"A ongoing police investigation is currently being held"

"If you have any crucial information that could help us find the culprits please go and speak to PC Dorris"

"Other than that after period one the following students, Angel Williams, Dylan Adebayo, Eva Mutongo , Raheem Wright,Kadijah Kasongo....."

"chai I'm finished , if I get sent back to Congo dont be suprised" Kadijah whispers to Keisha.

The assembly ends and they are dismissed line by line.

"Please leave in a orderly fashion year elevens"

Kadijah line is dismissed and as she's about to walk through the double doors.

Someone taps her back.

"Kadijah??" It was one of the police officers who interviewed after Michael's stabbing

"It is you , you've grown so much" the female police officer says

"Oh, hi" Kadijah says a little awkwardly

"How are you doing now miss?" She says

"I'm doing well but I feel like your not" the female police officer says

"I don't know who told you that but I'm doing fine, look I need to go to my first period lesson"

"Look I-"

Before the officer could say anything Kadijah has already cut.

Kadijah catches up with Keisha.

"Yo? Where were you" Keisha says

"I was talking to a teacher" she says

They walk to their maths class, and their class begins.

"Good morning year elevens-"

The teacher is cut of when the office lady walks in. "The following people that were called out during assembly without making noise please get up and follow me"

Kadijah looked around confused "I thought they were going to call us after what the fuck" she says

"Praying for you" Keisha says putting her hands together.

They all follow the teacher.

They are led to a meeting room with police standing with one of the deputy heads.

They all sit down. Kadijah sits next to Raheem

"Morning year elevens if you don't know me my name PC McDillan and I am investigating this particular incident so as you know , there was a fatal shooting at a party yesterday we've had new information come through someone that will remain anonymous"

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