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"Breaking news tonight as 18 year old Michael Kasongo was fatally stabbed to death after 6 masked men viciously attacked the young man after returning from football practice"

"Everyday those words replay in my mind, and i cant seem to get it out my mind" she says as tears fall down her right cheek.

"And how does that make you feel?" The therapist says noting down details.

Kadijah takes a deep breath " It makes me feel like there's nothing else in the world to live for" she says while anxiously playing with her fingers.

"Michael....Michael was my brother my everything I knew he had affiliation with gangs but I didn't care or really notice it up and till his death"

"I feel like nothing...I feel empty"

The therapist fixes her glasses a little "Your mother told me you weren't at his funeral.... I know your mourning but it'll hurt even more if you don't accept he's dead. He loved you he really did"

" This week your mothers going to spread his ashes it would really help if you went with her" the therapist says

"Yeah" Kadijah says as she gets up and wipes her tears.

She sighs as she leaves knowing that therapy doesn't do shit and is not helping her heal up after Michael's death.

"Do you feel better?" Keisha says as she leans on the wall directly facing the therapists office.

"Nah same as fucking always, I hate this therapy shit don't even know why mum sends me" she says

"Do you have a note saying why your late?" Keisha asks

"Yeah" she says as she puts on her blazer

- - - -

"Why are you late young lady?" the old woman with brown hair said as she typed behind the screen in the office while smacking the gum in her mouth.

Kadijah hands her the note and her and Keisha wait patiently.

"Ok, you can go through it's second period by the way you have science " she says

They go through the grey double doors. "I feel like Dylan genuinely wanted to talk to me but Angel that fucking prick dragged him away" Kadijah folds her arms.

"She's never really liked you to be honest, I used to talk to her in what like Year 9 and she looked pretty jealous whenever Dylan used to talk to you" Keisha says as they walked upstairs for science.

"So this bitch really does hate me if I ever scrap her dont be surprised " she says

They get to science and enter the classroom Keisha sits in her seat at the front. Kadijah normally sits next to Dylan but today for some weird reason Angel was sitting there.

It was small little petty things like this that completely pissed off Kadijah.

She walks up to her seat, and Angel looks up.

"Your sitting in my seat" She says with an attitude.

"It ain't that deep sis there are other seats" Angel says

"First of all I'm not your sis, second of all why couldn't you have sat in the other seats you known damn well that I sit here" she says as she kisses her teeth and walks to the back to find another seat.

"Your just pissed I'm sitting next Dylan" she hisses back "look it's not that deep Kadijah just sit somewhere el-" Dylan is cut off by Kadijah

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