Act Two- I despise Capture the Flag

Start from the beginning

Ares had allied themselves with everybody else: Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus. Demeter's kids had the edge with the terrain but they weren't the most aggressive, though I knew from my experiences with Katie that they were badass with traps and poisons. The Dionysus' twins were great athletes, but if you separate them, they panic and fold. Aphrodite's children are completely harmless until you piss them off, so I wasn't very worried about them. I've never seen a group of people emulate 'do no harm but take no shit' more. Hephaestus's four kids were stronger than some of Ares' kids, and they would be a problem. That, of course, left Ares's cabin: a dozen of the biggest, ugliest, meanest kids on Long Island, or anywhere else on the planet.

Chiron hammered his hoof on the marble.

"Heroes!" he announced. "You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as the referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"

He spread his hands, and the tables were suddenly covered with equipment: helmets, bronze swords, spears, oxhide shields coated in metal.

Being 4'10" and skinny, I had the advantage of grabbing the best armour before the rest of the crowd swarmed the table. With a quick glance back to Luke, who was first helping the others put on their own armour, I snatched him some armour too.

I attempted to put my armour on by myself but ended up having to ask Luke for help when my hair got caught in the straps. He started laughing when he spotted me grumpily pouting with my bracers on upside down and my hair knotted in the breastplate straps, but he managed to smother it when I told him I wouldn't grab armour for him next time if he kept laughing.

Annabeth spotted us two together and came over, something sour written all over on her face. "Jackson, you're on border patrol by the creek. Where's your shield?"

I scowled in return. "I have noodle arms, how am I supposed to lift one up? Besides, I have no training with a shield. I've only been at camp for a week!"

She huffed, "Fine. Don't get caught by Clarisse's spear if you're in the water." Her face softens completely when she turns to Luke even though he's frowning at us both. "You know the plan Luke, good luck."

She strode off, yelling, "Blue team, forward!"

The team cheered and shook their swords as they followed her down the path to the south woods. The red team yelled taunts at us as they headed off toward the north.

Luke was still standing with me, "Why can't you two get along?"

"Hey," I protested, "I'm trying! She just dislikes me and is always being rude!"

He sighs, and it's like he's suddenly aged twenty years. "I know, kid. Let's catch up." We went after the rest of the group.


It was a warm, sticky night. The woods were dark, with fireflies popping in and out of view. Annabeth stationed me next to a little creek that gurgled over some rocks, then she and the rest of the team scattered into the trees.

Standing there alone, with my big blue-feathered helmet and my slightly-too-big armour, I felt like an idiot. Curse my tininess, none of the camp armours fit me properly, and none of the ones that were a close fit wasn't broken in so they pinched. I had my hand on Riptide, which was in still its pendant form.

Right, I'm at the creek. I haven't majorly pissed off anyone so I shouldn't get attacked, right? I tried to pay attention, I really did, but then I remembered that one of the things here was called Zeus's Fist. Does the King of the Olympians trademark his name? Is he annoyed that he can't trademark it because Olympus has liability issues especially regarding how mortals throw around godly names all the time? What's seeing someone in the mythical world like?

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