Act Two- I kill my demon pre-algebra teacher

Start from the beginning

I shrugged. "Personally, I'm interested in all the Pottery. They can tell you many fascinating things about the culture and day-to-day life through the art on the pottery shards, but I'm also really excited about the statues! Did you know that they can now tell what colour they were painted? That's amazing, and so many people think that they didn't even paint their statues! As if they would go through so much trouble carving so life-like marble and then just leave it blank!" Instantly I was all cheers and smiles. Sue me, I like mythology! That it could save my life one day was just a bonus.

Grover weakly smiled back at me. I know that he wasn't as interested in archaeology and classical history as I am since his whole reality is mythology come to life, but him trying to understand me and putting up with my info-dumping? We're buddies for a reason, otherwise satyr or not, we wouldn't even talk.

Mr. Brunner, or Chiron the old-as-balls centaur, led the museum tour. Guess some things will always remain the same.

I would love to say that I was paying attention and that it was fascinating and everything, but let's face it, I got bored at the simplistic explanations and wandered off. The other teens were goofing off anyway so it's not like I was missing anything.

It took two hours for the group to realise I disappeared and to find me. By then I had gone through a lovely tour of the Egyptian section, courtesy of Professor Kane and his son, Carter. They eventually found me talking amicably to the museum curator about a pottery shard depicting Bacchian Dionysus despite being dated from a heavily Orphisit era and location, which suggested that it had been taken there. Except, the clay it had been made of was from that specific region. We were both pretty confused on that one. I call metaphysical bullshit, personally.

For those who are confused, think of it as finding something depicting Jesus Christ in the middle of ancient Rome before Jesus was born. Weird, illogical, and perfect evidence that some god definitely screwed up.

"Percy Jackson! There you are, we were worried about you."

Chiron and his wheelchair made their appearance, interrupting my first conversation in long while with someone who didn't treat me like an immature brat. Needless to say, I was irritated. It must have shown on my face since a second later he was pulling me away and apologizing to the curator for me 'bothering him.'

Fuck you, horse-man, I was actually learning something from someone who didn't dumb things down. I get it, I'm a potential freak of nature you need to keep an eye on, but as everybody says at least once; you're not the boss of me, horse-man.

The temptation to run off again grew by the second, but I stimmed with a slinky and ignored Chiron's blank stare of mild disapproval. I didn't zone out again, but it was a close thing.

Eventually we got to The Stele from canon where Mr Brunner does his whole 'staring sadly like he'd been at this girl's funeral' thing. For all I know, he actually might have been. He had been talking about some interesting things regarding Greek funeral art and the markings on the side of the stele before, unfortunately (but not unsurprisingly), Micheal shoves me from behind and I yelp as I almost fall over. Grover caught me. Good G-man.

"Miss Jackson, did you have a comment?" Wow, freaky, just like in the book. Also, seriously? He didn't see me get shoved?

"No, sir," I denied.

He pointed at one of the images on the stele, "Perhaps you'll tell us what this carving represents?"

Dammit, do we really have to follow canon? "It's Kronos eating his children, sir."

"Yes," Chiron said, obviously not satisfied. "And he did this because..."

"Well, when Kronos overthrew his father, Ouronus, he got told a prophecy that one day his own kids would overthrow him like he did to his father which is actually a motif in the Hellenic pantheon-" Grover elbowed me to stop the info-dumping tangent. "-and so when his children are born he devours them, all except Zeus who his mother, Rhea, managed to hide. When Zeus grows up, he forces his father to vomit up his siblings before starting the Titan-Olympian war in which they win." I smile at him. Ha! That'll show you I'm not Percy 'Seaweed Brain' Jackson.

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