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I can remember Wednesday, last week like it was yesterday and I can't remember anything, I can't remember anything at all.

I can still taste a meal I had for lunch two and a half months ago but lords forbid you ask me what dinner was for yesterday because I can't remember.

I can still recall a moment years ago with my grandmother when we had visited her in China and I can relive the plot of a story I read when I was 9, yet I can't remember what we had talked about in the car a few minutes ago.

Time is relative, said Einstien, those relatives I won't see again may not ever know the reason I laughed when they said "hi" - though it's not like I do, either.

Once upon a time, one day, suddenly, however, happily ever after and the end, I can remember clear as day but I won't remember the names of any of those characters and why they deserved their happy ending.

I don't know how it's supposed to go and I will never be able to learn to count how many minutes pass by as I do something because I can't remember.

A second is too long and too short, a day is a fable and a year is a myth because I don't know how it's already next year but I still feel like I'm living two years in the past.

Wednesday is my favourite day of the week, not because it holds significance to me, or anything special happens on that day, I simply love how whenever I spell the word, I say it like "Wed-nes-day" in my head and smile every time without fail. Two seconds wasted over smiling about something as small as that and I know that yeah, I may not remember many things but I will always do this without fail.

I remember what matters to me, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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