❄️ 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 ❄️

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I can't even tell what my heart is saying anymore. It's dimmed by the cold lies.
My own lies.
My own countless lies.

I hack away at one lie, two more appear in its place.
I'm trapped with a Hydra in a damp cave. A Hydra that I had created. A Hydra that I thought I could control. I was wrong.

Very wrong.

I don't know myself anymore.
Am I happy with who I am?
Do I keep struggling with a non-existent torch in my hand, a torch I'm supposed to have but don't? It's cold.

How do I kill a Hydra without a flame?

The damn thing is guarding the flame. It's cold.

How do I retrieve the flame?

I cut one head off, two more grow back. It's cold.


. . .  Why is it suddenly quiet?



It's so cold.

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