Ch.16: The Truth After The Lies

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I pulled up to my mom's house and turned the car off. Resting my head on the head rest, I was trying to figure out how, hell where to even fuckin start. I took a deep breath when I glanced over & saw a car parked next to mine that wasn't my mothers. Plus she always parked her car in the garage, so ten times out of ten, that nigga was here. Which was just fucking great.

"Lemme get this bullshit over with.... Niecy owes me some cheeks over this shit. This was her damn idea" I thought out loud as I made my way to the front door. I could've used the house key she gave me but decided against it. Instead I rang the doorbell & waited. It took her a lil' minute before she finally opened the door.

Shock registered on her face once she saw that it was me. I could see her holding back a smile as she stepped aside to allow me entry. We remained silent as I followed her to the kitchen. She resumed prep for dinner as I stood awkwardly quiet off to the side.

"I'm sorry Ma" I finally said and she stopped chopping & looked at me with sad, tear filled eyes

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"I'm sorry Ma" I finally said and she stopped chopping & looked at me with sad, tear filled eyes. "I've been stubborn & a bit selfish & for that I'm truly sorry...I don't like being mad at you because you're my rock..." I paused as she neared me, wrapping her arms around me & squeezing like she longed for this moment. Truthfully I did too.

"I'm sorry for keeping Nevaeh away from you too & that will never happen again, I can assure you that" I said as our embrace ended.

"Thank God. I miss my baby & those facetimes Niecy would do just wasn't the same...And Christmas is coming up & I was coming undone at the thought that I'd miss one. When I've never miss one in her entire life" she said as she wiped her tears. It then got painfully silent again because of the elephant in the other room.

"So he stays here now?" I asked not even having to say his name because she knew who I was talking about. I looked her in her eyes after staring at the ground.

"Yeah...He's uh, he's watching tv in the den" she replied as she placed the chicken in the oven. She watched me leave the kitchen & called after me but I ignored her & continued my path to the den where I found him watching the big screen & drinking beer.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, he glanced at me then turned back to the tv laughing when there wasn't shit funny. So I cleared my throat again.

"You need some water?" he asked with an attitude when his bitch ass didn't have a reason to have one. Something about him reappearing out of fuckin nowhere after 30 years just didn't sit right in my spirit. Something felt off. Niecy thought I was being dramatic because I could give a fuck-less about this nigga, but that to me meant that I was onto something.

 Niecy thought I was being dramatic because I could give a fuck-less about this nigga, but that to me meant that I was onto something

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