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Eruhaben, the gold dragon had lots to do.

The esteemed sir has been running around looking for clues on how to solve the unlucky bastards problem.

He contacted Cage, the excommunicated priest to ask about the God of Death.

However to his surprise, Cage didn't receive any message from her god. She didn't even know that her god had messed with Cale again.

Ignoring her cussing, Taylor said that he would help to find out more from some ancient books that he found recently.

Though Taylor is currently the Marquise of the Stan household, he is willing to put off his work to help his benefactor.

After the talk, Eruhaben went to visit Mila and her son, Dodori. He wanted Mila to come with him to check on Cale since she was more familiar to fixing things.

So he thought that it would help Cale. Even if it does not work that way, it is safe to have multiple professionals by his side in case that stupid god does something unnecessary again.

Mila agreed with Eruhaben's idea and said that she would visit the villa after dinner.

Then, Eruhaben went to the black castle and ask the ex-dragon lord about Cale's problem.

Sherrit then ask him to bring Cale to stay there to supervise on him.

When Eruhaben got back to the underground villa, he saw a bedridden Cale.

He first thought that Cale's condition has worsen but he caught a few guilty looking faces around the bed.

"Haa.... What happened again?"

He wore a tired expression. Ever since following Cale, this ancient dragon's life has been filled with dangerous activities.

Eruhaben is happy to have met Cale as he found a warm family with cute children, but often times he wondered what he had gotten himself into.

Trouble, in other words.

"Umm.. Well, we had a snowball fight just now and we got a little carried away...."

Choi Han was the first to speak up. Choi Han and the children had forgotten that the body of Cale is weaker than usual without his ancient powers.

Approximately three hours ago, Rok Soo started a snowball fight for no reason. Choi Han was caught off guard when the snowball came straight to his face.

And so, the children got excited too and joined in. Tasha had hurried away to avoid getting caught up in the mess.

Choi Han felt awkward around Rok Soo. He didn't know how to treat Rok Soo as he knew the original Choi Han had beaten the shit out of him.

But he now he knows why Rok Soo started the snowball fight. It was just so they can open up to each other.

Or maybe.... he wanted a small revenge.

Of course, there was a certain king looking out his window with a "What in the world" expression.

But that snowball fight came to a halt when Rok Soo sneezed. Nose as red as his hair and his body slightly shivering.

Then they remembered that the person in front of them is too weak to be playing and going all out with them.

And now they had to face the ancient dragon's wrath.

".... it was the weird human who started it first."

Avoiding eye contact, Raon slowly crawl to the side of the bed.

Eruhaben sighed again before walking towards the bed and check the unlucky bastard's condition.

Thankfully, it is just a slight fever.

Rok Soo could be seen tossing and turning in bed. Clearly uncomfortable.

"Let him rest, as for all of you..."

Eruhaben smiles. Choi Han and the children had shivers down their spine.

"Follow me."

It was the beginning of a two-hour long lecture.

When Rok Soo opened his eyes again, evening has arrived.

The bed sinked in a little on his left. He could feel someone there.

"Young master-nim, please excuse this Ron for a little bit."


Rok Soo felt a wet towel on his forehead. Though he was not feeling any better because of the dizziness, he quite like the coldness on his forehead.

'When was the last time I caught a cold again?'

Catching a cold without anyone to nurse you is very dangerous. The war was harsh and nobody would be free to take care of you.

After the old butler helped him change his clothes, he then excused himself to let his young master rest.

"It seems that I've caught your unluckiness."

"Take that back, my unluckiness is neither a plague nor a disease."

Two redheads, one on the bed while the other in the mirror.

Cale did not dare to come out when he saw Ron coming in the room just now. He thought that Eruhaben would told the rest of them to avoid coming into the room but he forgot the possibility of someone taking care of him.

"I guess I was jealous." said Rok Soo.

'The last time Uncle Ron looked at me with those expression were a little while after I became trash.'

He was a little jealous. Jealous that Ron, the person who technically was with him at his worst gave his warmth to another person who became him.

'And he didn't even realise that we are not the same person.'

The tingling sensation he felt from his heart was not going away.

"Ha... You know, I used to think that we are supposed to be the same."

'The fever got me good. Now I'm thinking of useless stuffs.'

He saw the bewildered look on Cale but didn't explain further. His consciousness slowly left him and he drifted to sleep.

A/N: can I ask a question.... How old is Mary again? I forgot and I need to know😂...

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