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                                                three weeks ago , hogwarts.

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                             [ you are a monster from hell ]


        *.·:·.☽✧ ✦                                                    SILVER bullet cigarettes dangled between their fingers , while the rain trickled down the stained panes  — the peridot forests of pine circling the shielded castle on the moors. the corridors were eerily silent , a pronounced quiet that sent chills creeping down one's bones  — a cautious tranquility. the hush between their words was taut , before evanna withdrew the tip of the cigarette from her rosebud lips  — a cloud of smoke escaping from her tongue , before collecting in a spiral around her head. a demon's halo.

it was rare that they smoked , neither of them having a particular death wish. but the bitterness of the tobacco melting into their larynxes provided an unfathomable comfort of that moment  — courage to face whatever was to come.

her diamond optics were gaunt in the darkness , glowing with an unprecedented , effortless fierceness he had almost always seen on her whenever they were up against odds.

"potter's an absolute dickhead , and i hope he knows that", evanna spoke , voice muffled by the harshness of the storm outside. draco merely sighed , shaking his head.

"so what do we do next ?", the ravenclaw opposite to him questioned , her blue-striped house tie almost invisible against the silver of the cloth. dusting her hands against the hem of her skirt , she extinguished the flame  — the remains of the cigarette burning to ashes between her fingers as she murmured a wandless spell.

draco shrugged. it was evanna who made most of the plans , while he focused on it's practicality and execution.. if she had no ideas , neither did he. his ashen eyes narrowed as they fell into step beside each other , his cigarette still hanging between his finger like a corpse. 

"are you sure you heard them say that ? were you drunk ?", evanna questioned , raising a brow.

"are you fucking kidding me ?", he threw back at her , tone breathless with disbelief. they were not allowed to drink before trials , and they had to be two hours prior to the scheduled time so that medics could run tests on them to verify the presence of any potion or alcohol in their blood. the process had always been boring , but after a while both of them had gotten used to the powder blue walls of the mediwizard's room  — the dull mahogany rising from the floor in concentric circles , lights and a thousand prying eyes glaring down at them in the wizengamot with their hands tied back and their throats parched. for those ministry officials at the wizengamot , they were merely pigs awaiting slaughter. for others , they were monsters from hell.

these two ideas of them were poles apart , and draco malfoy had despised two extremes of an opinion. but that was hypocritical of him , considering how the dark mark was still etched on his skin  — dark and prominent as a starless midnight.

"when's the next hogsmeade weekend ?", evanna asked , bringing him out of his short-lived stupor.

"three days away."

"good , we won't be here by then."

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