Laughing On The Outside

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 Author 's note - my favorite chapter so far  <3


      Song - Laughing on the Outside by Bernadette Carroll


        All Frankie sees is darkness. Many sounds begin to fill her ears of people laughing, talking, like a crowd. Instead of a harsh rain that she was out in, she hears a soft pitter patter on a metal roof above her. She opens her eyes and sees no difference from when they were closed. Her breathing picks up, and she panics.

       Where am I? What's going on? These kinds of thoughts race through her mind. Her vision fills to white and flashes to a scene in front of her. She's behind a red curtain on a small stage, most likely located at a bar. She peeks through a gap in the curtain at a crowd of about fifty people all sitting around at tables, patiently waiting for a show by chatting with one another.

       The people don't look like anything she's actually seen in person. They're all dressed in antique clothing from the time period of the 1920's american fashion. Only, it doesn't seem to be a costume party at all, no it seems as though she herself has been thrown back in time just under a hundred years ago. The building they sit in has no modern undertone to it.

      "Your song is almost on." Someone whispers behind her.

     "What?" She responds and spins around. A woman similar in age to her wearing an old dress is nervously hiding behind the curtain with her. Frankie looks at herself to see she's wearing close to the same dress, but in a shade of dark purple instead of blue.

       "Your song? Don't tell me you didn't practice again! Well, just go on and try your best!" She whisper yells to Frankie. She slightly shoves Frankie out onto the small stage.

        She stumbles up to the microphone and gazes down at the people a few feet below her. Something mechanical makes a clicking noise, and a spotlight shines onto her. The vintage music begins playing, and Frankie's body stiffens nervously. The audience turns their full attention to her.

        How the hell am I supposed to sing a song I've never heard before? Where even am I?! She thinks to herself. Suddenly she realized. She has heard this song before. She wrote it. She wrote this song to be in this specific time period. Just as she understands the situation, she begins singing just in time.

"I'm laughing on the outside

Crying on the inside

'Cause I'm so in love with you

They see me night and daytime

Having such a gay time

They don't know what I go through

"I'm laughing on the outside

Crying on the inside

'Cause I'm still in love with you"

         After finishing the chorus through a second time she sees someone standing at the very back of the crowd, shuffling around slightly. There's no lights on, in the back and the spotlight on her, blinds her vision from identifying who it is. They seem familiar. She continues singing while trying to figure the mystery out.

"No one knows, It's just a pose

Pretending I'm glad we're apart

But when I cry, my eyes are dry

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