Chapter 29: Sea God

Start from the beginning

It started getting darker. Like the sun was setting. Slowly darkness spread all around till he was in pitch black darkness. And then, it became so dark, Raka did not know if his eyes were open or closed. 'What the hell!' Even the feel of water had faded, as his mind had got used to it.

Raka felt like he was unconscious. And then out popped a huge green eye in his view.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Every bit of hair on his body rose, every goose he had bumped, every organ inside jumped out of his mouth. But the huge green eye still stared back at him.


Have you ever jumped into a pool and found a great white shark saying hello. Or maybe that creepy tree outside suddenly having a corpse hung from it. Taking a train and finding a ghost on the next seat. Whatever you may have gone through, it was nothing compared to getting stared at by a huge green eye in a pitch black sea.

Raka took deep breaths trying to calm himself down but it was no use. He was having the scare of his life right now and he couldn't move a finger. He did the next best thing...he screamed his lungs out.


Some minutes of screaming later, he calmed down. All the while this huge ass green eye never stopped staring. Not even blinked.

When his brain finally caught up with this situation, he started noticing other details. The green eye was not really green. A green hue was coming out, all around the eye, making the eye seem green. Raka couldn't see what it was part of though. All he could see outside the glass was the eye. 'I am not dead...yet!'

He stared back at the eye. And it stared right back. What an impasse.

And then he felt it. His hands could move. But his feet were still stuck. 'Exactly what am I supposed to do?' Raka had never felt this out of sorts.

Raka moved his hands and tried to touch, whatever was around. He felt something hard and smooth. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. And as he did, the thingy moved back. As it did, some more body parts came into view, all giving out a strange green hue. He still couldn't make out what that part of body, was part of. Whatever this thing was, it was humongous.

And yet, it simply turned it's eye and stared. 'Really now...' At the end of his wits, Raka remembered something. 'Maybe this thing is magical, so it must be intelligent....can I communicate...'

"Hello, how do you do?" Raka started. He waited to see if the creature would respond. But it did nothing. 'Now what?' In absolute confusion, Raka tried waving his arms. 'Still no reaction. Do tell me what you want..'

Raka racked his brains trying to remember everything he could do. 'Sing?'

"Ring a ring a roses...a pocket full of poses..husha and husha and all fall down..."

Nothing happened.

'Should I do some magic?' Raka decided it couldn't hurt to try. Well it could, but the risks were worth it. Not that he had any other option left.

Raka closed his eyes and entered his colorful world. And then there was light. From being stuck in the pitch black darkness, he was suddenly bathed in colorful light. This time the colors moved like continuous waves not staying still for a second. ' am I supposed to focus like this..' The sea was an ever moving place.

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