+ Rabbits +

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Ever since I got a boyfriend, I've realized how gay I am. We've only been dating for about three months, and I can still barely even believe that he's mine. I can also hardly believe how at first, I was terrified of being gay, and didn't even like the word. Now, I'm fully out with two mums and the best boyfriend ever. Life's changed. It really has.

+ + +

"Come on, Cody! You're so slow!" 

I can hardly breathe. I'm running as fast as I can, but I didn't know it'd be this steep.

Benji signed us up for a running competition. It's something to do with world wide sports, and I must say, I don't like sports. But it's for Ben, and it makes him happy, and I suppose I do need to get a bit more active.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so fat." I say, struggling up the hill. 

"Nonsense, Cody. You are not fat! You are so not fat!" Ben laughs. "Come here, I'll carry you."

"Oh, no, Ben, you- you don't have to do that-"

"It's faster!" Ben pleads. "Come on!"

I brush my hand through his fluffy cinnamon hair. "You're cute." I manage to say, very quietly. 

Ben rolls his eyes. "Come on." he smiles and picks me up. He's right, it's much quicker.

+ + +

My dad just bought a new car, and he wants us to test it out. It's still a few months until I get my drivers license, but I'm not going to drive or anything, and besides, I'm taking Ben to meet my parents, which I'm excited about. 

"Hey, kid!" my dad hugs me. He smells like alcohol.

"Oh hey." I say, smiling. Ben reaches for my hand. "Ah, Dad, this is uh, this is Ben. He's my.. he's my boyfriend." I grin. My dad looks at me in disgust.

Ben looks down. "Hm." my dad walks off.

"I don't think he likes me, haha.." Ben looks at me and smiles disappointedly. I inform him not to worry, but he just seems to look off into space like it's nothing.

+ + +

"So, Ben." my dad says. "How have you been.. dealing with Cody? How? I mean, what's he like around other people? And what do you think of him? Is he sexy?"

"Gareth, stop it." my mum cuts in. "Stop acting like a child." my dad grins and chuckles.

"LOL, am I right?" he says, taking a sip of his beer.

My mum looks at him with a 'seriously-what-the-hell' face. "I'm serious, Gareth!" 

He puts his beer bottle onto the table. "Woah, harsh!" he smirks at Ben.

"I can't.." Ben smiles, puts his juice down and walks off inside.

"Ben, wait.." I call after him. "Dad, what the hell is wrong with you?" he laughs. "No, I'm actually serious. Stay away from both of us." he looks at my mum. She just smiles.

+ + +

"Hey, Ben. I'm so sorry about him. Please don't pay any attention to him. He's a silly fucker and I don't even think my mum likes him anymore." I plead. "Please forgive me." he turns around and looks at me right in the eyes. It's kinda hot.

"Of course your dad's like this. It's because.. we're gay." he's right. "Look, don't ask for forgiveness, because you don't need it. You don't even need to say sorry. Cody, we love each other and that's all that matters, not our-"

I choke on my juice. "Wait. Did you just say love?" I don't think he meant to say that.

"Uh.. what..?"

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