+ Frogs +

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I went home that day feeling.. in love. I never thought that being gay could be so.. gay. I knew I liked Benji now. The next step was asking him out. I think. As long as he didn't feel uncomfortable with it, then I should be fine. Right?

+ + +

"Cody." my mum looks up at me from the couch. "Are you alright? You've been acting all weird ever since you came back from school. What's up?" wait, is this where I come out? 

"Oh." I say softly. I brush my knees together. "Well.. yeah." I have to tell her. I have to. But, it's not like I owe it to her or anything, do I? It's best she knows.

"Come on, Codes. Spill." she says. "I promise, you can talk to me about anythi-"

"I'm gay." I say, lips trembling. In fact, my whole body is trembling. 

She just stares at me. "Come here." she keeps a straight face. I waddle over to her carefully and sit next to her on the couch. Tears sting my eyes. She hugs me. She took it well, then?

She sniffs. Maybe not?

"Me too." she manages to whimper. Wait, what? My mum is gay

I let go and sit back, puzzled and shocked and kind of happy all at the same time. "Wait.." I laugh. "No way." she shakes her head and pulls me into a hug again. I feel tears streaming down my face. 

"No, I'm serious." she mumbles. "I.. I'm also gay." she sniffs. "Well, lesbian." she chuckles and lets me go.

"So.. wait... when did you figure it out?" I ask. She wipes her eyes.

"About a week ago. I found out that, um, your dad was cheating on me. Oh, no, that's not why I'm gay, I just happened to find out.. then. I realized that I just didn't feel romantically attracted to him anymore. But I grew to notice that I don't feel romantically attracted to any male." she says, all in one. It's slightly overwhelming. At least I get more Christmas presents now, though.

"Wow. That's.. unfortunate.." she laughs.

"What about you?" she asks, resting her hand on my thigh.

Oh. "Well uh, I sort of kissed a boy, and now it turns out that I was obsessed with him, and uh, I just don't like girls." she laughs, and so do I. "So, very different to your story." she sighs.

"Woah. Isn't it just... so.. crazy how we're both.. gay?" she looks up. "I mean, everything is crazy, especially Luke, but, this?" I nod.

It feels amazing to have someone who understands me. Not entirely, but you get what I mean.

"How are we gonna tell Luke?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm sure he won't mind.." my mum chuckles. "It's not like it's going to like.. change him majorly. Besides, it'll make him a bit less of a dickhead in the future." 

Then I remember something. "Hey Mum?" I say. "Uh, speaking of dickheads, I possibly maybe got half-sexually harassed today by someone." she looks at me, eyes wide open.

"Oh my God, are you okay? What happened? Do the teachers know?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. Ben was there."

"Who's Ben?"

"Ah! Umm.."

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