Chapter 7

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POV Hadrian:

After that soft scene, don't be wrong, I really liked, but I'm not really a soft or emotional person, maybe because of me being the whole son of Hades.

Anyway, after that, Ragnok starts the will again.

James: Now that you know that, we should start. First of all, to my brother in all but blood, I give you all of the books on pranks that I have and the articles of pranks that I have that we used in Hogwarts.

Were they like the Stoll's? I mean I don't mind the pranks that the Stolls do, unless the pranks are directed to me or they are similar to bullying.

I wonder how were their pranks?

James: To, Remus, my other best friend. I give you one of the houses of my family and 1.000.000 galleons.

Remus: I cannot accept that.

Sirius: Shut up, Remy. James wanted you to have it.

Remus nods and we go back to the reading.

James: To the Tonks, I give you 500.000 galleons and for little Dora, one of my family's houses for when you are of age.

Dora: Yes! I can be independent now.

Andromeda: Thanks, James.

James: To, Amelia, I give you 20.000 galleons and I hope you earned the position you wanted.

Amelia: I guess, thanks James.

James: To, the Longbottoms, I hope that you are okay, if I'm not wrong, he went for you too. Well, I leave you some Herbology books that I have of my family and for little Neville, a strange magical plant, I know he takes after Alice, and 20.000 galleons.

Harry: Who are they?

Remus: They were good friends of us and Lily, but they were tortured to madness. You will go with their son to Hogwarts.

Harry: I see, but why is he not here?

Ragnok: We didn't send him a letter, because his relatives will try anything to get his part. I think is better if you give it to him at Hogwarts.

I nod and wait for the will to continue.

James: To Narcisa and Severus, I hope you will forgive me, especially you Severus, from what I did in Hogwarts, now I see that I was being immature and I want to apologize to you.

I look at Severus and Narcisa and see them surprised but they mask it quickly.

James: To Narcisa, I give you some books of medimagic, I know you liked it and for Severus some books of potions of my family.

Now then, for the custody of Harry, that is a thing that Lily will say.

So, before I say goodbye, I would like to say to all of you, especially you, Harry, don't believe in Dumbledore.

Bye, mischief managed.

Sirius: I understand why James will say that.

Amelia: What do you mean?

Sirius: I mean Dumbledore knew I wasn't the keeper because he did the Fidelio charm, but he didn't move a finger to take me out of jail.

Harry: He also put blocks and potions in me.

Remus: What?!

Ragnok: Yes, indeed Heir Potter had some blocks in his magic and potions in him all done by Albus Dumbledore, but yesterday we cleaned him off them.

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