"It's starting to look better. Still doesn't look like a castle though." Kyo mentions. It was starting to look more like squares and not just a mountain.

"And here I thought it did."

"You don't want to swim? No need to be considerate." Kyo says.

"That's not it. It's more fun with others. Tohru is walking along the beach and if I went swimming we would all be alone. And that's not fun. If we stay together Torhu can join us when she gets back and we can all have fun. Besides, I want to make such a good castle that it shocks everyone."

"That's a large goal to get to."

"But why do you dislike the water so much?" I asked.

"They say it's because the cat spirit doesn't like the water."

"I heard the previous cat didn't like the water, either." Kyo mentions.

That was Master's grandfather.

"Did the previous cat wear the rosary?" I questioned. I wanted to know more.


"They're unusual beads, aren't they? What are they made from?" I asked. I look at the rosary with its white and red beads.

"Human bone." I freeze at his answer. It was definitely not what I thought the answer was."From some great monk or something. It's supposed to be a really old story. The red ones are lacquered with blood. No idea how much of it is true, but they say it's an amulet that was made by sacrificing the lives of others, at the very least. I thought that was wrong, ever since I was a kid. " I don't know why but I grabbed his wrist with the rosary. He smiles at me. At that moment the sound of a large wave arrived. In a second we were drenched in the water and the sand castle was now a lump of sand again.

"The water's cold! That scared me! I thought we were going to get swept away!" I yell in surprise

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"The water's cold! That scared me! I thought we were going to get swept away!" I yell in surprise. Kyo stands up and looks over at the ocean.

"Damn ocean! I'll kill you! Don't mess with me, bastard!" He looked so serious I had to laugh.

"Don't be silly. You have no chance at beating the ocean!" I laughed. He walks over and grabs my face.

"Don't laugh at me." Kyo ordered.


"Ami, Kyo-kun! I saw the wave appear. Are you okay?" Tohru calls out running over.

"Yeah we're fine. Did you find any shells?"

"Oh no! I dropped them when running over here!" She panics and runs back to where she probably left them.

"Hey, where's your hat and the hermit crab?" Kyo questions. I touch my head and realise he was right. My sun hat was no longer on my head.

"Ah, they're gone. They must have gotten swept away!" I see Kyo walk off and come back with my hat in hand. He places it on my head for me. "Thank you."


"Kyo. Thank you for letting me use the bath first." We had gotten back to the house. I took a bath to clean myself of the salt water from when the wave had hit us.

"It's my turn then?" He asks.

"Yes, I believe Tohru said she was going to do the laundry first." I told him.

"Okay." and with that he walks past me waving. I stare at his hand with the bracelet. It must be hard having to wear that bracelet all the time. I wonder how that burden must feel.

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