27. [A] The Encounter

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Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but... Romeo is off on a little trip and at first I was worried but he managed to convince me. How you ask? You're not gonna believe this, he gave me the dang puppy face! Can you believe that?! He gave me the puppy dog eyes, and I fell for it hook line and sinker! Can you guys freaking BELIEVE that?! Nevermind, I'm just going to move back to what I planned on doing anyway. Speaking of which... I should probably keep you up to speed on the present I'm making. It's a pair of red pajamas. I've made progress so far, it took me q while to get the right fabric. It had to feel the same comfort and warmth that apair of pajamas had. I'd try it on myself but... well you already know why but let's put it in a sense that it's simply not my size. After days on end I finally managed to craft the right fabric, soft yet comfy, warm yet cozy, perfect. Then it was a matter of grabbing enough wool, string and dye. It took a while before I found a whole sheep herd, I managed to get more than enough wool. Then the string, hours spent fighting spiders and cutting cobwebs, I tried to get the exact amount I needed rather than collecting extra, I am not a big fan of minecraft spiders. Finally there was the matter of finding the red dye I needed, the poppies made me a little sleepy and the roses... well, I might have pricked myself a few times, hence the wrappings on my hands currently. But eventually I managed to get all the supplies I needed. I managed to make the fabric pieces and... actually I'm just gonna leave out the technical bits here. I made it to the product of a pair of red pajamas with little magma cubes. It took some going back and forth for that part but it turned out alright. The trickiest part though was crafting it as clothes and not just a pair of wool armour, that would be a total fail. Eventually, I managed to get it right, and there in front of me was a pair of minecraft pajamas. It didn't go on the armour stand well seeing as it's not armour, and it looks about Romeo's size, so I officially call it a success! Well, if he likes it.... great now I'm nervous again. Just... just relax Aneesah, look at it, you made it yourself. He's going to love it. Well, better get it wrapped up.

I went to my crafting table and decorated a chest to look like a present. Red with a white bow, I would have made it black with a red bow but that would feel like I'm dropping a hint that I know about his powers. And even if it doesn't, I don't know how bad his PTSD is, even the colour scheme might give him flashbacks if I'm not careful. Then with the wrapped gift, I take the tag I had from the anvil labled, to Romeo and placed it on the box. "There, now THAT'S a Christmas present!" I say proudly putting the box in the chest. Now I'm going to fix things outside. I grab my gloves and purple coat, put them on and then take out an iron shovel. Finally I step outside, the aura of cold weather reaches my face and fingertips. Maybe if I find a way to make things more to my capabilaty than I can craft a pair of ear muffs for myself, or maybe even a beanie. But right now I'll have to deal with my ears getting cold. I start shovelling out the snow, forming a path from the house to the other area. Then I started shoveling the thicker blankets of snow as they were starting to get out of hand, once they were gone I packed the snowballs into a chest I placed outside. Finally I walked over to the farm and harvested the last of the growing wheat. We'll plant them again once the snow clears or once we get a warmth machine built to make sure the water doesn't freeze.

It's so weird doing all this by myself, it's quiet. A little too quiet since I've gotten used to not living alone. Speaking of which, Romeo's been gone an awful long time now, I wonder if he's alright. I try my best not to think about it. I mean he can handle himself really well in a fight but strangely, he's also a big trouble magnet. I know I shouldn't be stressed but I just can't help but...

"Worried about him?" A strange voice calls out to me.

Huh? What was that? I turn around swiftly checking behind me, seeing no one out in the distance. Weird, that sounded like Keith David, maybe there's another character in the mix. "Who's there?!" I call out scanning the area through the snow... nothing. This is weird... I go back inside with my shovel and take my winter gear off, but then I get a little bit chilly. I rub my arms for warmth "We really need to think about installing a fireplace." I go over to our new bookshelf we built and pull out on of the crafting books Romeo found, one for cooking and it had some really good recipes, I'll start with some pumpkin bread, then the carrot cake and chicken with gravy and finally, a watermelon pudding tart. These sound just like the things we need. But that can all be for Christmas dinner, what I think I'll make now is potato and carrot stew, if I feel like it, some brownies.

Well after a while I managed to craft and eat my lunch. I don't remember If I've told Romeo this but I actually don't like soup, it's way too runny and often tastes weird, so I prefer stew. I'll make the brownies later. I'm still curious, "That voice... who was that?" I get up and start walking to the stairs. "What does it want from me?"

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