4. [R] Fight back

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Okay, things are not going as smoothly as I'd hoped. I am learning how to craft things at a slow pace, I have had several mob encounters which I was not ready for and the place is crowded at night. This might sound crazy but I actually decided to move my house. It's small, so there's not much to move. I don't exactly like this spot I'm in due to the constant mobs coming around, I'll pack first thing tomorrow morning. I actually have a lot more troubles going on for me than just a new place for my home. I originally was wondering if I really am alive again, or have I truly died and respawned to another world. After some time I discovered that is was the latter. This world is unlike anything I've seen before. The wheat is a strange yellowy brown colour, and I don't recognize the texture at all. There were no more blue-ish green fish, and in their place were a strange browny coloured fish. Even more interesting, the fish didn't look like an inventory item anymore, they looked like an actual mob. Sheep even dropped some kind of edible meat. Little did I know, that the strangest thing on this world, I had yet to see.

I was wondering what would happen if this actually was my world? What would happen if everyone saw me? Oh I know what would happen, everyone would want to pound me to a pulp, beat me till I'm low on health and spare me just to repeat the process. It gives me shivers just bringing it up, maybe I'll be alright thinking about never going back. It's not like I wanted a chance to redeem myself, fix thing with me and Xara or start over...or anything...sort of. I still don't know what is going on. Why am I alive once again? What kind of world is this? Why is this fish making me catch it like this? Oh right, I'm busy trying to get myself some fish to eat.

For this moment, I don't have a fishing rod. I figured out how to craft again, but I don't have any string. So I'm trying to catch a fish with my bare hands. I'm actually a little tired of eating beef, pork and whatever the heck that meat is from the sheep. I already have a furnace, I just need the fish. I leaned towards the pond, readied myself, and grabbed the fish right from the pond. It wiggled and shook as I held it. Eventually it pooffed into an inventory item. Finally, I've been trying to catch a fish for pretty much half the day.

I went home to put the fish in the furnace. What? Do you expect me to eat a raw fish? What kind of idiot would do that? Once I took it out to eat, boy was that delicious. I know I might be making a big deal of something so simple like eating, but I when I started eating beef, I thought of how I haven't eaten anything since I ate the structure block, so now I'm getting use to needing food. It's actually nice to taste something other than what I normally eat. Later that night, I heard something, hopefully something worth investigating. I'm normally inside most of the time and I actually want to do something fun. So I snuck out of bed and tip toed outside. I look left and right. That noise sounded again, an oink. By the time I realized it, some pig had trampled out my crops that I just planted. "What the...? Oi!"

As soon as the little brat saw me, it made a break for it. Oh no you don't, no one messes with my stuff and gets away with it. I ran after it "Get back here you bloody swine!" I called, chasing it into the woods. Eventually, just as I was about to corner it, I tripped...damn. As it ran away, a wolf came out of nowhere. Unable to outrun the predator, the pig got turned into pork chop. Heh the circle of life, that's karma for messing with my stuff. Now I have a new problem, I'm lost. Well, it's no use complaining. I attempt to find my way home. Somewhere I heard growling, turning to find zombies. Oh crap! I started running for my life, just when I think I'm in the clearing...skeletons and spiders. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I took a breather and looked around, I was at a dead end. I looked at the mobs heading my way. "No, I'm not running this time." I declared, pulling out the stone sword I had. Pretty much always keep it on me, just in case.

I walked forward and swung the sword at my enemies, hitting a single zombie back. "Back off!" I threatened them. "I'm warning you." I walked up to them and swung again until they dropped dead into rotten flesh.  Wasn't soon before spiders came along. When one charged at me, I back handstand flipped out of the way before running to it and stabbing them. Next up were skeletons, I had to dodge arrows to get through to them. I noticed the shape of some of the rocks, so I ran and jumped over them and stabbed the last skeleton from above.

After everything, I ran home. As soon as I got there I turned around and walked backwards inside. "Oh hell yes, that's what you get when you cross paths with me!" I yelled backing into the house. "I am the ma--" all too soon, a familiar sizzling sound went off behind me. "--oh no."

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