23. [A] The journey home

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Wow, that was a find, a lush cave. A lush cave, it was so amazing to me, like stepping into something magical. I've never seen axelotls in person before, real life and minecraft. Awe, they're just the cutest thing, next to Romeo, hehehe. Gee, if only I wouldn't feel such a fangirly side cause me to blush at things he does. But I feel like this wasn't a fangirl thing, something about the gesture of offering me glow berries was, genuinely sweet. The gesture threw me off guard, almost mesmerized. Am...am I starting to...no there's no way. Could I really fall for him? From what I know, romance is foreign to the characters of MCSM. But you can't deny that Harpvor is cannon In my opinion. But I wonder, could Romeo and I actually? Would it be right? So many possibilities are within reach, an yet they're not. I don't even have to think that as I take the glowing berries. I already wonder what it would be like. I don't want to push it on him, I can be a bit quick with things but if it does happen, I want it to actually evolve, a slow burn romance. If it's not possible, at least I can understand. He's still my friend, and I'll always be there for him. It was kinda funny when his mouth lit up though, and teaching him about our new little pink friends.

I wish we could stay in this cave, it's beautiful. But we have a home to go back to, so Romeo and I had a little chat. Even thought I can't let him know, I knew what he really meant to say, even as an Admin. If only he could be that honest with me about it, but I can understand that he really wouldn't want to talk about it. But if I'm honest, knowing about it from his perspective might help me understand him more, I just wish I could tell him. I mean, he was a real butt back in the game, but that was Admin him, not this him. But If I think about it, Romeo doesn't want to tell me about his powers, I don't want him to know that I know about his powers. We're basically keeping the same secret from each other. The thing is, I wish I could be more honest with him about it. We've decided to stay here until morning. At least we can enjoy the scenery a bit longer.

I slept using my Jacket as a blanket, I know it sounds silly but it's something I do. It was the nicest sleep I had for a while. It was accompanied by the strangest dream actually. Basically I'm a Sims 4 character on vacation with Bella Goth who is apparently a friend of mine, We're at the beach with her scowlding me for forgetting to put my sunscreen on. It was night so not only was I sunburned, when it was over I was practically burning. Eventually, she went to go check on Alexander and Cassandra while I was joined by a flirty stranger, I didn't get his name but his red hair and his attire reminded me of Romeo. Then the dream ends, weirdest thing ever. I tried going back to sleep but then I listened around, I couldn't hear any snoring. When I checked, Romeo wasn't in his spot. He's definitely awake. Curiously I look around for him, carefully getting up. I wipe some sleep out of my eyes and look around. I find him when I turn around, he's in a pond playing with the axlotls. Well isn't that cute.

I streatch out my arms as I get up from my spot, dusting off my outfit and putting on my jacket. I walk over to the pond. "Morning, sunshine." I greeted as an axlotl hopped off his head. "Oh?" Romeo responds to the sound of my voice. "Good morning Aneesah. Sleep well?" "Yup." I say as I reach over to to pet one of the axlotls. I give Romeo a fond smile "Hey, you have breakfast yet?" He nods at my question. "Yup, some of the glowberries and a loaf of bread." He says, attempting to carefully take an axlotls off his shoulder without trying to disturb them, pretty sure he needed to get out of the pond "Nice, I think I'll just have the same, those glowberries are pretty good." "Sounds good." Once the conversation finishes, I go over to pick some of the the berries. I take some extra as well, when I eat them, I place my hand by my mouth to check the glow. Just like I anticipated, Light reflected onto my hand. Wow, that is crazy, I also figured where the bread comes in. It staunches the light from the glowberries.

After breakfast, I decided to dig out some coal on the wall, I just really hoped I didn't run into any Lava, the thing is I didn't expect to get anywhere just by digging out coal, but the moment I dig up from it, light shines through. "Woah" I hear Romeo say behind me. "Yeah." I agree, "I didn't think it'd be that quick". I dig up a bit more, making a bigger opening. As I checked through it, I noticed jungle trees. "Looks like a jungle biome, not sure if it's the one we passed through though." I commented as I mined a path for us to climb. "Well, time to enter the unknown." I crawl out through the hole. Of course folks Like Romeo can just walk out seeing as it's big enough for him to do so but for someone at an enderman height, I technically have to crawl through. Once I got out I looked around I observed the landmarks. Some trees, really tall ones, shrubs, vines and a river. As Romeo comes up, he also looks around. Well, we literally just got up and now suddenly we're out of the cave. It is a good idea just to take it in. I look to the entrance to the cave, I'm really gonna mis that place. I should set up an exploration adventure for us to find it again. I turn to Romeo to see him...looking at me. Why is he looking at me? And why are his eyes so big? And...cute? we must of been looking at each other for a while as he's to one to snap out of his trance and see my staring at him. "What?" he asks confused.

"What's with the face?" I ask skepticly. Romeo looks at me awkwardly, realizing what I'm talking about. "What face?" he asks me. "The face you were making earlier." I fold my arms as if trying to prove a point. "Nothing. That is how I always look." "Mmmhmm, you normally look like you want something." He looks absolutely speechless, as if I just said something that broke him. "I don't want anything." I shake my head and sigh, releasing a breath to make sure I don't rile myself up for no reason, or him either for that matter. "Romeo, I can tell you're lying. C'mon, what was with the 'Aneesah can I ask you something' look?" This time I place my hands on my hips in a sass-ed out pose. This time, as he's about to open his mouth he stops before he can start his sentence. Scratching the back of his head, he gives up. "I...I was was wondering if I um....if I could...have a piggy back ride?" ... wait really? That's what...oh Romeo. "Hehehe, you were that nervous about asking me for one?" I ask him with a small chuckle, he looks away with a weird face that looks kind of precious. I wonder if he was HD, would he be pouting. "Well, I didn't want to trouble you with it, it's just a thought." He tells me with his hands behind his back. To be fair, while I could say I'll think about it, I might forget it. I don't want to be mean, plus the physics of Minecraft are strange here when put alongside my corporeal form so while he is strong enough to pick me up, he might be lighter than I expect. After all, I remember something Ivor told Jesse that his weight is measured to his height and I am taller than Romeo so....eh, why not. I turn around and squat on one knee so that I can use my other leg to help push myself up. I look over to my companion."Hop on." I tell him. He looks surprised, like a child meeting their first puppy. "Wait, really?" He asks, I just look at him with the same smile I use when he's being...well, himself. I catch him grinning as he walks over to get onto my back, hanging on to me while I get up and steady us both. "Upsedaisy, you good?" "Yep."

With that we tread on through the jungle. I was right, he IS lighter than I thought. Still a little pressure but not too much. Either the physics really are strange here or fighting mobs and training with him have given me some extra strength. Either way, it's not so bad. "Woah, this great." I hear Romeo say behind me. He must really enjoy being high up, he sounds so happy. "You having fun back there?" I check, as if I needed to ask. "Yeah. Is this really what it's like being enderman height? It's amazing." Hehehe, He is such a child, it's nice to see him so happy, he really deserves it. I hope this isn't my fangirl side talking but I hope I can give him all the happiness he deserves, he's been through so much and comparing him now to my first impressions of him when I played season 2, he's really changed. I'm so wrapped up in the thought that I almost don't catch it. "Duck." "What? Oof!"

One thin with tall people that I now learned, be careful of higher blocks. A tree I meant to pass, just to happened to have one rebellious leaf block sticking out. I managed to crouch down without falling but Romeo on the other hand, didn't catch my warning in time, his face smacking the leaves, well the top anyway. I was able to duck low enough for hi  to duck along once he pucks up...after he hit his head. "You okay?" I ask him. "Fine..." he says, a little embarrassed. "Yeah, that's a downside." I tell him sympathetically. "Found that out the hard way after hitting my head on my ceiling before renovating it. Had a nasty bump on my head for days." I still remember the feeling. It sucked, there wasn't anything to help it go down, no ointment, butter to rub on it...yeah butter actually helps with bumps, long story. I shake out of the memory so I can focus on not dropping poor Romeo. He was having so much fun before that dum tree got in the way. "It's actually kind of cozy up here." He says getting his spirits back up. I can't can't help but smile, he's being so precious "Try not to fall asleep, you literally just woke up earlier."

(Hehe I laughed at myself when I called Admin Romeo a butt, ah I am such a child. Also Aneesah was actually one of the more shorter average female heights so she is learning what it's like to be tall)

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