29. [A] It's Christmas

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(HAI GUUUYYS! Like I said, this is super late cuz U was spending time with my family. I would have finished this yesterday but I went to my aunt's place yesterday. Just so that I don't go crazy cooped up in my house. The next part is coming soon. AS SOON AS I CAN GET OFF MY PHONE AND BACK TO MY TABLET!! Really though, it's way better for typing.)

Okay so, present, check. Food for tomorrow, check. Romeo's back, thankfully yes. Now I can stop worrying. Seriously, timing has to be one of the best and worst things in these situations. Romeo was gone for weeks on end and now that it's Christmas eve, he shows up just as I'm about to go look for him. Why is this a thing?! First it happens when one of my things gets lost and it pops up at the most inconvenient moment. Now I'm just about to go look for someone and he shows up not 5 seconds before I leave? I really can't even, especially right now. Well, at least the house is decorated. There's not really the right ingredients for gingerbread cookies but I managed to make some good meals for tomorrow, although it looks like Romeo found the leftover brownies. Good thing there isn't an expiration date in minecraft, and even if there was, it's far ahead. Ya know, sometimes the new logic of this world works in my favour. Everything in the house was decorated for the festive season and the room was set, except for the tree which I could not find the recipe for, so I just built a christmas tree in our backyard. It took a lot of dark oak wood and leaves but it worked. A giant tree in the backyard, the hard part was putting the star on top.

Well... off to bed. I lay down there snug as a bug in my pink jammies. It feels like I'm floating on a cloud. Well, at least I'm gonna have a good night's rest. Then Romeo and I can do some Christmas activities together. It's going to be strange not spending Christmas at one of my aunts' houses tomorrow. Speaking of which, I wonder what everyone else is up to... Mom, Dad, Dawood, everybody...

...I hope they're all okay.

"They'll be fine, at the very least."

What the..? That was unexpected. That voice... that's same voice from before. I open my eyes to look around the room but... I'm not in my room. Where the heck AM I?! I looked around to find myself in a nebula of blue, jade and gold. Stars and dark matter formed illusions of smoke. Wha...what is this? There is no way I'm in space. I'm still breathing, I should be dead by now. What is going on? "Wouldn't you love to know." Wha... that voice again. "Who are you?" I call throughout the empty space. "Why am I here?"

"No reason in particular. What are YOU doing with MY powers?"

"What are you talking about? I don't have any powers!"

The voice doesn't respond, instead, my vision began disorienting. My head felt like it was on fire, the next thing I knew... poof. I'm... awake? ... What?

I sit up and look around at the room, nothing. Not a star or person in sight. Then was I dreaming? What is going in exactly? Am I going crazy? I sigh heavily and lie back down with a soft thud, trying to go back to sleep. That voice... was that... who I think it was?

After lying In bed for what felt like hours, I finally felt comfortable... until...

"Aneesah..." Romeo's voice called out softly, looks like he's up early. I felt him nudge my left shoulder a little. "Aneesah wake up.... " I groan in response as I turn to my right, still exhausted. "Five more minutes Romeo..." "Nope!" And with that, he yanks the entire blanket off. "Hey!"WHYYYYYY?!?! I sit up startled at this, staring at him with a scowl. "What the heck man?!" "Come on, it's Christmas!" He yells hopping up and down like a happy 4 year old who finally went to Disneyland. "We've got to go outside and build snowmen, then a fort and OH! SNOWBALL FIGHT!! This is gonna be so awesome COME ON!!" "Okay, calm down." I tell him, extremely tired. "Just let me get dressed first, alright?"

"Alright well, hurry up then!" And with that he ran out of the room, downstairs and probably outside. I giggle fondly at his antics, "Wish I had THAT much enthusiasm." I say jokingly. I get up on go get a bucket of warm water that I saved, I have a small area to wash myself, the important parts anyway. I really wish I could go for a proper bath though, would really help ease the muscles.

But anyway after locking the door, taking my sponge and cleaning myself up, I changing into my socks, shoes, jeans and shirt. And then I loosened my hair and pushed my fingers through it. Until I can craft a functional hair brush, this is all I can do to reduce the amounts of knots building up. It's getting better actually, don't know why. Again, minecraft logic. Finally I grabbed my gloves and purple coat from the chest, putting them on and walked downstairs. I took out a cookie from the chest and munched on it.

Then with my quick breakfast, I walked outside to see Romeo already building a snowman. The main body structure is set up and he had the decorations with him. Stick arms, buttons, a red blanket and a top hat, a white one this time. I walk over to him casually. "Hey, so first off, don't just grab my sheet from me, it's not nice." I start off, just to let out any salt I have left from it. "Besides, what If I wasn't wearing anything?" He widened his eye for a while then shrugged. "Sorry." Yeah it's not really a pleasant thought when you think about it.

"Eh, it's fine. You have breakfast?"



Well this conversation went odd. Moving on!

After a while of clearing some snow, I had a lot of snowballs in my inventory. It seemed I had a good amount of snow to star building the fort. And a major bonus, the backyard was much cleaner. Not bad Aneesah old girl, now to... yeah, I should have expected it. As I'm about to start crafting some snow blocks, something hits me in the back. The item in question was a circular stacked item that was cold, much like the snow. It didn't take too look to realise it was a snowball. I turn swiftly around to notice Romeo, whistling nearby his snowman. Oh he's in for it. "Really Romeo?"

"What? I didn't do anything." He responds cheekily with a smug look, turning his back, only to reveal another snowball in his hands. I let out a low chuckle.

"No, I mean, really? While I had a bunch of snowballs in my inventory?"

At this statement, my companions shoulders raised, letting me perfectly see the tension of his realisation as I take a snowball out and toss it up lightly, catching it again. "Oh no..." with a swing of my arm, I yeet the snowball and Romeo, hitting him smack in the neck. He shrieked in respond and started running. I gave chase as best I could, normally I'm not the best runner but when you have to go mining, running from danger and learned some fighting techniques, you develop some muscle in your legs. But one advantage Romeo has against me, is that he's freakishly fast when he needs to be. It doesn't help the fact that his legs being shorter means he can cut corners easier than I can. But, with the exercise I'm getting from chasing him around the house and trying to throw snowballs at him, I'm probably going to get a bit faster than him. Also, he is good at dodging, I've managed to hit him with a snowball an estimate of 6 out of 14 times. So far we've done 4 and a half laps around the house. "How many snowballs did you pick up?!" He yelled as I launched right at his shoulder.


"Point 7!"

"Okay okay truce!! Truce!!"

I halt carefully, curious at his statement at first, but with the moment I stopped, I could feel my legs wobble, uneasy. Maybe we need a break, but I can't let him know I'm tired. We may be friends but it's Romeo, knowing him he'll take an opportunity to get back. "Okay truce, but no more funny business."

Well, that could have went better or worse but hey, it's Christmas... let's relax for a while.

Out of place (MCSM Romeo and Author story) [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang