Warning: Do not Defend MoonRose45

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On one of my school's Discord servers, I've got a warning from RoseOfCrimsonRain800, a friend of mine, about MoonRose45 manipulative, s3xu4l, pr3dat0ry and p3doph1lic actions towards Violetta_wolf_37-Liatastic-Arilikescats75 and Priestess_Neki. This... Infuriates me the most. 

Not only that she manipulated, lied and gaslight them but exposed NFSW content to them, like explicit s3xual acts through roleplaying, D0xxing them, being obsessed with them, sent NFSW Fanart to them, lack of care for Priestess_Neki's severe anaemic state, lying about her sexuality to Violetta_wolf_37 and Priestess_Neki and many more in -Liatastic- Be Careful who you trust book on this website. I'll post the link in the comments

Whatever or however she manipulated you, do not even trust MoonRose45, not once in your life or you'll regret it and become like her four victims. If she dares to point fingers at me for being a liar and hater, I have only one thing to say to her: "I'll go delete my other books, sign out my account and get the hell out of this website for good if Wattpad dares delete this book, YOU HEAR ME, YOU F****** P3DOPHILE!!!!!"

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