Chapter 3: Back at Beacon

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Ozpin's PoV

I was in my office, drinking my coffee and was thinking about the things that've been happening in the past three days.


The reporter was announcing what happened to a White Fang base near Vale.

Lisa Lavender: Just yesterday, outside of Vale, a White Fang base was burnt to the ground with the prisoners being released by an unknown force who supposedly took down the Lieutenant by an Aura-piercing round. They claimed when they released them, they said that they weren't affiliated with Atlas or any branch known to Atlas. Turns to another reporter who was interviewing the White Fang prisoners

Reporter 1: Can you describe the way that they behaved to the White Fang when you're still under their custody?

Prisoner 1: They behave in a ruthless way towards the White Fang, they asked them to surrender but they refused. They're being shot in the head like it was butter. When they saw us, they used a tool of some sort to release us. As a White Fang member approached them silently, one of them just shot him in the head without looking at him.

Reporter: Are you frightened by their presence or behaviour?

Prisoner 1: Well, no but all I can say that I'm forever grateful for them.

Reporter 1: Now that we got an interview with a formerly captive prisoner, we can get back to you, Ms Lavender.

Lisa Lavender: Thank you, Marcus. Many people believed that the Aura-piercing round was the work of Atlas since it was their idea to invent such a bullet. The Atlas higher-ups denied such invention since it was a few generations away and was not capable of such technology. A village that was invaded by the White Fang on the same day wasn't only found the dead White Fang bodies but also the villagers were missing with the same group.

Flashback ends

Now, this is gonna be a problem since a new group has entered the planet. I'm wondering if they're on Salem's side or a provable ally. Glynda came in and spoke to me.

Glynda: Headmaster, have you heard what's happened recently?

Me: Yes, now I'm worried since a mysterious group entered Remnant and took out a White Fang base of operation. If James every discover this group...

Glynda: They'll try to trade weapons and their tech with them, which will lead to...

Me: Chaos. Exactly. That's why I've sent Qrow to find this group and convince them to help us in the war against Salem. So any news on Jaune Arc?

Glynda: I'm afraid nothing, headmaster. Ever since Jaune was missing, they took a hard toll on his death, especially team RWBY, PRN, CFVY and SSSN.

Me: Ok, you're good to go

Glynda left and I've only had one thought in mind.

My mind: Where are you, Mr Arc?

Ruby's PoV

Ever since Jaune disappeared, Cardin's team thought that every student is happy about his disappearance but when Cardin shows them the truth, everybody turned against him. Pyrrha took it hard and beat the literal crap out of them during sparing classes. Cardin was spared however since he sincerely told them the truth earlier. I was distant from my team ever since he disappeared. Yang never talked about a single word about Jaune. Blake called herself a Hypprocrite when she revealed she's a Faunus. Weiss felt bad about me losing another friend. The connection between team RWBY and (J)PNR wasn't as strong as it was before. We're just eating our lunch when the news turned up and showed us a White Fang base being burnt to the ground.

Blake: Who or what could've done all of this?

Weiss: Whatever or Whoever they are, they really made sure that the base can't be used for them anymore or that they're trying to send a message to them.

When the camera switched to a bunch of White Fang bodies littered around a village, We're more struck with horror. Most of the bodies were blown to bits, some were crushed or decapitated. We nearly threw up when we saw that.

Atlas' PoV

Atlas Scientist 1: Have you heard the news? A mysterious group that've Aura piercing rounds. This group is beyond our tech. Maybe we should ask them to trade our tech with them so that we can ensure peace.

Atlas Scientist 2: Agreed, maybe they have more than weapons, like transportation and robots. That way, we can secure peace on Remnant.

Gen. Ironwood: Agreed, sirs. We must find them before anybody else does.

Adam's PoV

When I heard the news, I unsheathed my blade and began to slice anything to unleash my rage and fury.

Me: Whoever did this, They'll be sorry and will not escape the White Fang's Wrath!!!!!

???: Calm down, Adam. We can get their tech without any trouble.

Me: And how we're supposed to do it since we don't know where they are?!?!?!?

???: I know who's perfect for this job.

Me: And who would that be?

???: Roman Torchwick.

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