Operation: Beacon Strike

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Roman's PoV

I was at Juinor's bar with Neo when I got a call.

Me: Hello, who is this?

Cinder: Roman, this is Cinder. We've decided to ask you to steal something for the White Fang.

Me: Another dust robbery? Well, the security in Vale has been tightening for the past few days.

Cinder: No, We want you to steal tech.

Me: Really? I thought the Ak's and Paladin I stole were good enough.

Cinder: We want you to steal tech from the Unknown group that've attacked one of the White Fang bases.

Me: How am I suppose to get those things for the White Fang since I don't know where to look for them?

Cinder: Just do it. Alright, otherwise, we'll stop calling you and ask somebody else.

Me: Fine.

I hung up and called someone.

Me: Hello? Your boss might want to hear about this.

Jaune's PoV

My most trusting spy, James Ironlight. Second Trusting, Roman Torchwick. You might be wondering how we go Roman Torchwick since we arrived here. Well, we used a sonar lock and found him. We gave him a choice, work with us or die. Well, since he was the wise guy, he decided to work for us as a spy and in exchange we let him live in one of our Cities. I was in my office, looking over the progress of the raids and helping villagers from the White Fang. I've got a call from James.

Me: Hello James? What is it now?

James: We've got a call from Roman that a girl name Cinder was calling Roman to steal stuff for the White Fang and she's gonna infiltrate Beacon to implant a virus to stop any communication from going out of Beacon on the day of the Beacon Prom, which is gonna be tomorrow. She's gonna be wearing all black and will be wearing a black mask concealing her identity.

Me: I see. Get to the command room and we're gonna stop Cinder from initiating her plans.

James: On it.


As James, my former team, Ghost team and I gather around the briefing room for a mission.

Deborah: So what's this all about?

Me: We're gonna infiltrate Beacon, implant an Antivirus to stop Cinder from putting a virus into the Beacon files, and stop her.

Johannes: So it's gonna be a infiltrate, stop a woman and capture mission?

Me: Yes, it is. The only thing that might block in our way is that we don't want to be discovered. Our entrance is at the back of the school, which is a shorter way of getting in of the CCT towers and complete our mission.

Everybody: Got it!!


When we reached Beacon by our Crows, we hide behind some foliage and aimed our guns at the Beacon guards. Thank god that we switch our ammunition to rubber bullets and only done a dent to their heads. We took an elevator to the CCT towers and had James implant the Anit Virus with his Data knife. I walked outside to see the Office of Beacon and thought.

My Mind: Russel Thrush, Sky Lark, Dove Bronzewing if it weren't my mission, I would've nuked your planet to Oblivion.

James: Sir, we've completed implanting the Anitvirus, and I can see Cinder coming here.

Me: Everybody, hide.

I cloaked my self and they hid under the tables. When Cinder entered, she said.

Cinder: Well, weren't they supposed to be off? Oh well.

She began to plug in the virus, only to be rejected. She tried to replug it in, I took her on by smashing her head against the wall and drag her along. She then saw me, which my attack decloaked myself.

Cinder: So you must be the unknown group that've attacked the  White Fang base, huh? Why not we make a deal, beside, we could be great allies.

Me: I'm afraid not because we don't work with the terrorist-like you.

Cinder: Then so be it.

She summoned her knives and threw them at me, only to pass by a hologram and I went up to her back and stuck a syringe of a knockout serum that last a few minutes. We cleared up the mess and took Cinder's lifeless body to a Crow when James said something.

James: Sir, wouldn't someone noticed the damage on the walls?

Me: I'm sure they won't notice it.

???: I did.

We turned to see face to face a 15-year-old wearing a Prom dress and had Red highlights.

Me: So we meet again, Crater Face...

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