yule 21: oak & holly king ♡

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the Oak King and the Holly King represent the waxing and waning of the sun as the seasons change. the two kings take turns ruling over the year, the Oak King ruling during spring and summer, the light half of the year, and the Holly King ruling during the dark half, autumn and winter. both holly and oak are treasured for their magickal properties.

the two kings are brothers however they're also rivals. they fight each other throughout the year, defeating each other as the seasons change. the date on which the battle is won depends on the Wiccan tradition/belief system. In some traditions, the Oak King takes over at Yule and the Holly King takes over at Litha and others have the Oak King take over at Mabon and the Holly King take over at Ostara so that the Holly King has the most power at Yule and the Oak King at Litha.

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