why 🤨

i wanted to see you
but you gotta attitude, so never mind 🙄

yeah you can come over

alright bet
i'll be there in twenty


i put my phone down before making my way towards billie's house. i got there in roughly twenty minutes. i got out of my car after fixing my hair and adjusting my shirt.

i knocked on the door, and i was quickly met by billie. i sent a smile. "hey, shorty."

"hi," bil greeted. "wassup?"

"nothing. i don't wanna see or talk to my parents, so... i'm here." i pressed my lips together as i awkwardly drummed my hands against my legs.

"that's fine," she gave a nod before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside before shutting the door. "c'mon."

i looked down at our hands and smiled a bit, though quickly covered it.

"oh, who's this?"

me and billie turned. i saw an older woman, who i assumed was billie's mom. beside her, was an older man, who i guess is bil's dad.

i like his mustache.

"mom, dad, this is my best friend, jessie," billie introduced them to me with a grin. "jj, these are my parents, maggie and patrick."

"hi. it's nice to meet you." i smiled as i held my hand out for a handshake. they each shook my hand.

"it's lovely to meet you too," maggie smiled. "are you hungry? we only just ate; the food's still out."

i shook my head. "no, i just ate. thank you though."

i talked with them for a moment before billie pulled me away to her room. once we were in her room, i dropped her hand to go play with pepper.

billie sat on her bed, and she leaned back on her hands. she watched as i sat on the floor and played with pepper.

"are you okay?" she questioned softly.

i halted my movements as i looked up at her. "um... yeah, i guess so." my brows furrowed a bit.

"what have you been doing all day if you haven't been with your parents?" she tilted her head.

"i was with matt and his family."

she pursed her lips before holding her hand out. i stared at it for a moment. she made the grabby hand motion, so i reluctantly placed my hand in her's. when i did, she pulled me up, and then onto her bed with her.

"what are you doing?" i laughed as i fell back onto the bed.

"i'm giving you a hug; you look like you need one." she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her.

i stayed still for a moment as i froze up. i slowly relaxed before sinking into her arms and hugging her back. neither of us said anything for a while.

as we were hugging, my eyes drifted over to her neck. my brows raised a bit as i saw that there were fresh hickeys there. i pursed my lips.

"thank you." i finally mumbled with a sigh, though i didn't try to pull away from the hug.


"i don't want you to go back to maryland." i pouted.

"i've still got three days here, tiny, don't worry." jordan assured.

it's now the next day. i'm sitting at my house with jordan and we're in my room.

"yeah, but then you gotta leave. i don't wanna be alone again." i frowned.

he stared at me for a moment as he pressed his lips together. he then stood up. "come on."

i furrowed my brows in confusion, though i still
followed him as he grabbed my cars keys and started walking upstairs. "what are we doing?"

"you'll see."

i huffed, but i continued to follow him out of the house. we got into my car, and it was quiet as he drove to wherever it is that we're going.

we eventually stopped outside of an animal shelter. i looked over at jordan, now even more perplexed than i was before.

"come on. you're getting a puppy. or a cat, or whatever you want. just some lil' animal to keep you company." he explained.

"seriously?!" my eyes widened.

"yeah, c'mon." he chuckled.

we walked in and talked with a few workers. i definitely wanted a dog, so they showed us over to some.

"she's so cute." i pouted as this one dog laid in my lap and cuddled into my stomach.

it was a beautiful pit-bull. she was spotted all over, her fur being two shades of brown, as well as some white on belly and on her face. her eyes were two different colors; the left a gorgeous shade of blue and the other a dark brown.

"she is." jordan agreed with a soft smile as he pet her. he looked up at me and tilted his head. "you want her, don't you?" he chuckled.

"yeah," i jutted my bottom lip out. "i do."

"let's get her then."


"name it taco."

"i'm not naming my dog taco." i sent a pointed look at billie.

it's a couple hours later. billie's over at my house. we're sitting in my room, while jordan and finneas are somewhere upstairs.

"it'd be cute though." she grumbled.

"i guess, but it's still a no." i shook my head.

she leaned forward and scratched behind the puppy's ear. "what are you gonna name her then?"

i looked down at puppy, and i couldn't help but smile. "shiloh."


a/n ayooo



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