Found you pt. 2

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December 2021
Christmas Eve/ Christmas morning

(they found you right after thanksgiving)
(outfits above, but you can imagine what ever you like)

Trigger warning ⚠️: mention of death, neglect and abuse, a little bit of language (no yelling) FLUFF!!

Scarlett's POV

A few weeks after we found Y/n the police called and said they had arrested her mother and found her father dead by an overdose. I didn't know what to think, I am so glad that we found her and can give her a home and love, and I'm glad her mother is paying the price behind bars. But I don't know if I'm relived that there is no way for her to see her father again or mad because he got the easy way out.
I am so happy we found her, she is the sweetest and fits right into the family, and I wouldn't change it for the world, she even calls me mama.

Right now we are on our way to the family Christmas dinner and I'm both excited and nervous, of course our family knows that we adopted her and they have seen her on FaceTime but we've all been busy and this will be the first time they meet her in person. I am excited because I think she will love them just as much as they already do. She is a little shy, and she is still a little behind on her walking and taking, but she is getting better and we're all so proud of her.


We are currently in the car on our way to my parents' house for the dinner, we left around nap time so Y/n is knocked out cold and I'm hoping she stays asleep till we get there so that she isn't grumpy, Rose was watching a movie but after 15 minutes she fell asleep which was a relief, she has been so excited to see our family again, and to introduce Y/n to them  that she took forever to fall asleep, so hopefully now she will be happy and not cranky.


We just arrived and Rose woke up like five minutes before we arrived so Colin went in with her while I am about to wake up Y/n. " Hey baby, it's time to wake up, we're going to meet grandma and grandma! And your aunts and uncles so you got to open those beautiful eyes of yours." I coo trying to not have a cranky baby, even if she is an angel she hates and I mean HATES to be woken up. She starts to whine a little bit so I try again." That's it baby, open those eyes, let me see them, let mama se those beautiful eyes of yours." Finally she begins to open her eyes, she looks a little confused as to where she is, but when she sees me she lifts up her arms and make grabby hands. I smile and begin to unbuckle her, and as soon as I pick her up she clings herself to me like a koala. I shift her over to my hip before I grab the blanket and teddy she slept with in the car as Colin already took the diaper bag in with him and Rose, and let her keep the pacifier for now. I lock the car and begin to walk us up to the door, someone must have seen us walking to the door because before I can open the door my mom has already opened it." Hey mom" I say as I'm taking off my shoes and coat while still balancing Y/n on my hip. "Hi honey, it's so good to see you and to finally meet my second granddaughter" she said with a smile. When I was done undressing myself I brought my mom into a hug while saying" I missed you too and it's good to see you". We told our family in advance that she is shy so when we broke the hug, she led us to the rest of the family who were waiting patiently to meet Y/n.


After around an hour she started to get comfortable around everyone, but her clear favorites was Hunter my twin brother and my mom

Dinner was amazing, and after finner was cleaned up  we sat in the living room chatting and having family time, there was also a Christmas movie on in the background so the kids could watch. Half way into the second movie Y/n was sound asleep and at the end of the movie rose was too. We decided to call it a night and we said goodbye to everyone before heading home, cuz tomorrow is going to be a busy day.


Christmas morning

Lizzie's POV


I'm so excited! Right now Robbie an I on our way to Scarlett and Colin to surprise rose and meet Y/n, we live only a few minutes from their house and we just got the message that they are waking up so we decided to head out so we can open presents with them.

Scarlett's POV

I just sent Lizzie a message saying that they can come over so now it was just waking the kids up while Colin is making breakfast.
Rose was super easy to wake up and super excited, within minutes she was downstairs waiting not only for the presents but we decided to not tell her Lizzie and Robbie was coming over, waking Y/n up is a different story, I don't know if she has ever celebrated Christmas before and if she did she wouldn't have understood it nor remember it so when I woke her up she was confused and tired, she looked up and me with tears in her eyes and I quickly scooped her up bouncing her while whispering sweet nothings in her ear. After a few minutes she calmed down and I carried her downstairs. When I got to the kitchen Colin had already made a bottle for her and was currently distracting rose for a few minutes til Lizzie and Robbie gets here.
I quickly check the temperature of the bottle and give it to her. I was on my way to the living room when I saw them pull up so I snuck away to open the door with Y/n in my arms. I somehow managed to hold Y/n supporting the bottle as she is still half asleep and open the door so I could sneak them in to surprise Rose."Hi, come in! Merry Christmas!" I whispered not wanting to ruin the surprise."Hi Merry Christmas! Oh she's so cute!" She said as soon as she got inside. " she really is:)""follow me I don't know how much longer Colin can distract Rose" I said with a chuckle. Lizzie let out a small laugh while both her and Robbie followed me in.
I had them wait right out of sight from Rose.
"Hey Rose, your surprise is here" she looked up at me confused until Lizzie and Robbie walked out. She let out a high pitched squeal and ran towards them yelling"auntie Lizzie, uncle Robbie!". Lizzie kneeled down so she could catch Rose in a hug. Y/n just finished her bottle and was starting to wake up a little more, but still clinging to me. I say is down and watched her little interaction with Lizzie and Robbie before we opened the presents and had breakfast


After breakfast all six of us sat on the couch and watched movies and played games. Just like with our family, after a little while Y/n warmed up to them and even fell asleep on Lizzie. I sit back and look at my family and think how blessed and lucky I am, I love my family and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

1.3k words

Wanted to continue writing in the first part but didn't know how so made another part
Not all parts will have second and third parts

And remember if you want/need to talk to someone about anything even just rant messages me

Remember to eat something, drink something<3

If you have any requests or suggestions feel free to tell me<3

Love you
XX author

Scarlett/Natasha x daughter one shotWhere stories live. Discover now