Chapter 19 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

*Oh yeah, Risa's birthday was yesterday on our wedding day... uh oh... IT WAS YESTERDAY! We were just talking about it the day before! How did I forget?!*

I know I was nervous about the wedding because we were rushing and it was possible that information may have slipped my mind but that is not an excuse to forget my wife's birthday! We were talking about it the day before our wedding. I needed to make it up to her, especially since she found the ring that I proposed to Allie with. Even if it is a small gesture, I want to give her something and I think I know how.

"Yeah, happy belated birthday Risa, my lovely wife." I said while hugging her from the front.

"Aww! You guys are so cute together!!!" Renee squealed.

I just smiled at her and looked at Risa who seemed so happy, and I know what else would make her more happy that she would burst into tears of joy. It's something that I have kept for a very long time that I wanted to show her. Something that I really want her to know is that I have never forgotten my best friend, my little cutie, my firefly.

Everything was packed and I found out from Mom and Renee that dad and Jaden were at the warehouse working and were waiting for some shipments to arrive and said that they were sorry that they didn't wait to see me. I understood, the gang was important to them as well. It's their 2nd family.

"Brandon" mom called me. "Your dad actually wanted to meet Risa and wanted to invite you to this event that your dad and the rest of the gang were invited to. So what do you say? You think you both could come?" mom asked me and I smiled.

"Of course mom, I would like for dad to meet his daughter-in-law." I said while turning and looking at Risa who was helping out with the boxes and I was carrying the memorabilia that I was saving for Risa to see later on.

"Good, i'll send you a text of when and where the event is and when it starts and then you can ask Risa if she can make it and also it's formal." Mom explained the details.

"Okay mom, thanks. I'll ask Risa if she can come, I'll text you back if she is available..."

"Oh, if i'm available for what Brandon?" Risa came beside me with a curious look on her face.

"Oh, good Risa that you are here, we wanted to tell you something." mom said

"Yeah, my dad actually invited us to an event that the whole gang is invited to-"

*Did I just say gang? Oh no! I just say gang to Risa, maybe she would think that i mean like buddies or friends.*

"Brandon, don't worry, I know what your dad does for a living. I just wanted you to tell me in your own time without any pressure." She said, smiling at me calmly.

"And you don't feel weird or scared." I asked her.

"Well, no. That's because my dad is part of a gang and the men that are actually doing the moving here are actually my uncle's men and are part of the gang too."

My eyes widened. "Your father is part of a gang?! Seriously?! How did I not know this?"

"Well, there is also one thing that I also didn't mention to you too." she said taking a deep breath while looking at my mom then back to me. "I am also part of the gang. Umm, my big brother, Kei is now the leader of the gang called "The White Tiger Gang" and I am his right-hand woman." she said, smiling nervously at me.

I looked at Risa shocked and surprised at what she said but then I remembered what she said when we were in high school. And when I remember back what she said that day, now it makes sense.

"Brandon?" Risa called me.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am, I think I'm kinda surprised but now that I think about it, I am not that surprised too because now it makes sense why in high school you said about another job that you were planning to work with your brother and it makes sense now. Plus being a right hand woman which is being second in charge of the gang, I can see you doing that. You are one tough girl Risa Yamamoto or should say one tough woman.'' I said and I could see Risa blushing and it was adorable.

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