"I don't know, having fun?"

"Yeah right. Their idea of fun is party until they can't walk and see how many guys they can get."

"True. I feel bad for Whitney. She's basically their slave." Andrea and I watch Whitney walk over to Carla with food and hand over a white container to her.

"I know. Carla must have something on her or she is just really screwed in the head."

"Agreed," I say. "Hey want to go the Gravatron?" I ask my best friend as we pass by the large looking ride that looked like a green spaceship.

The Gravatron is a ride in which spins really fast in circles and makes it so you can't walk once it's over because you see double of everything.

"Alright. Race you to it!" Andrea takes off after she gives me a shove. I shake my head but race after her to the line anyway.

"Ha, I win," Andrea teases, flicking her hair and sticking her tongue out like a five year old.

I roll my eyes, scowling. "Yeah because you cheated."

Andrea snickers. "Oh, don't be a sore loser," Andrea says and we walk up to the ride. An attendant at the gate checks out our bracklets before letting us through.
Entering the Gravatron, we move to a spot where not many people are and buckle ourselves in.

"Fuck, I hope I don't throw up all this candy I ate," Andrea says before the doors shut.

"Where have you guys been?" A familiar voice asks. I look to my right and see Aidan, Ben, Henry, and Austin buckle into their seats. Austin and Ben are beside me, and Aiden and Henry beside Andrea.

"We got some food, and played some games," Andrea says. "Where have you guys been up to?"

"Oh not far. We went to the mud rally, saw some really hot girls."

I snort. Typical.

"Everyone ready?" The ride attendant asks everyone and there are hoots and hollers.By the time the ride is halfway through, my brain feels like its in a mixer.

When it stops, I try to get out of the Gravatron but are too dizzy and ends up stumbling. I got to the door but I'm in such a rush and so dizzy that I start to fall down the stairs.

Someone catches me by the jacket from behind and pulls me up straight, keeping me from falling.

"Let me help you before you break your neck," Austin says, laughing from behind me. He helps me down the stairs. Everyone is stumbling around is and I burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Austin asks once we finally reached the bottom. He stumbles around me and I catch his arm to steady him.

"Everyone looks like drunken zombies," I chuckle and Austin laughs too as he glances around him.

"Hey! Over here!" Behind us, Aidan and Ben waves their hands at us.

Henry and Andrea are no where to be seen. Where did they wander off to?

"Where did they go?" Aidan looks around him and shrugs.

"I don't know," I say, shrugging. I need to go to the bathroom so I'll catch up with you guys in a few."

"Ok. Don't get lost or kidnapped. Mom and Dad would freak," Aidan says, popping the gum he's chewing. Austin laughs beside me.

"Well jeez thanks for caring, dear brother," I say sarcastically and begin to walk away towards the bathrooms. I look around, watching everyone have fun. I notice the lights are on, brighting up the arena. The day is going by fast and the sun is going to go down soon.

As I walk  past the canteen, I hear a familiar laugh and turn to see my brother and Cassie sitting at a table sharing a drink. I hide behind a light street before they can see me and fish out my phone from my pocket. Logan reaches out and take Cassie's hand in his, they both lean forward and kiss.

I snap a few pictures and leave, evidence in hand.

Andrea is going to love this. The bathrooms at the carnival aren't much, out houses lined up, but at least they are there.

Once I finish, I step out and the next person waiting in line went in as my phone buzzes. It's from Owen, saying that everyone is to meet at the entrance in an hour.


I jump, my phone dropping from my hands. I come face to face with Austin, who is laughing like a maniac.

"You are such a jerk!" I hit his chest in anger and pick up my phone. Austin stops laughing and pouts.

"But you love me any way," He says, grinning. I look down to hide my smile and flushed cheeks.

"What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have anything better to do other than scaring me?"

Austin pretends to think, putting a finger on his chin.

He smiles.  "Nope. Not really."

I stare at him, his green eyes sparkling with amusement.

Come on, I want to show you something," Austin says, grabbing my hand. I'm left wondering where we're headed.

"Where are we going?" I ask multiple times but Austin just shakes his head and refuses to answer.

My eyes widen when we come to a stop in front of the Ferris wheel. I halt to a stop, refusing to go any farther.

"No way am I going on that thing!" I try to leave but Austin tightens his grip on my arm and doesn't let go.

"Are you scared?" Austin laughs, and when I look away, he stops.

"You don't need to be scared, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you." I'm scared of heights, or well more scared of falling than anything, because I love the view.

We show the attendant our bracelets and sit down, slamming down the bar that holds us in place.

"Do you know that the biggest Ferris wheel ever made is 100 feet tall and takes almost thirty minutes to go around once?"

"No I didn't know that." I smile and look at the ground as we start to move.  Eventually we reach the top and stay there, really high up in the sky. The people on the ground look like ants. It's really far down. I groan, nauseous gripping my stomach.

Austin touches my face gentle, pulling my face towards his. I look in his eyes, where there is no fear and try to calm myself down.

"Don't look at the ground. Look at the up instead," Austin says and I follow Austin's finger to the sun.

My jaw drops.

The sun is just setting, the sky a beautiful pink.

"It's beautiful," I say, in amazement. I look back at Austin, and before I know it, he leans in, and places his lips on mine.

What do you think of this chapter? It may seem like their relationships is fast, but please keep in mind they have known each other for years and they aren't strangers!

Thanks for reading! I appreciate all you people who read and comment.

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