Part 11 - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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         You arrive at the hospital quickly. Lilly runs up the lot toward you. She gives you a worried but knowing look as you burst through the doors. Together you race down the halls as reception staff and nurses call after you. Lilly takes the lead, nearly crashing into a cart at one of the junctions. Nurses move in and out of the room, Hannah's room.

        "Jake, I don't know if you're there. But I'm with you buddy. For you and Lilly." She offers a smile back at you before skidding to a stop before the open door. The doctor looks up at you. His look is cautious but he gestures for you both to enter. Lilly takes a tentative step, then another until she is able to reach Hannah's hand. She crumples to the side of the bed, clasping tightly to her sister. You drop to the floor beside her and hug her from the side.

        It takes a little time but together, you stand. The form in the bed is still, but peaceful. She is smiling, a weak thin line on her lips.

"Lilly," her voice is a bit raspy. Lilly leans onto the bed and falls into her sister's open arms. Hannah kisses the top of her little sister's head. For the first time, it dawns on you how close they really are. You think back to the frightened girl that made life miserable early in your investigation. The one now squeezing the life out of her big sister. The one who had grown up so much since it all started. She is blooming into a tenacious woman with a strong sense of integrity and a bias for action. This is her reward.

     You quietly excuse yourself. Your fingers pull up Thomas's number.

"Hey, Thomas. She's awake." The call ends without another word. You hit your speed dial and Jake's dark room comes on the screen. You switch to the camera on the back of the phone so Jake can more clearly see. He sits dumbfounded and quiet for a long time.

"Did you ever think we'd get here?" You watch Jake shift in his seat.

"I wished for it everyday." You smile and step into the room for a closer view.

"Make some travel plans. Time to come home. Don't you think?" He looks into the camera. His dark blue-grey eyes are glassy.

"You'll be there, right?"

"I think Lilly should take the lead on this one. But, I'm always here for you, Jake. After everything we've been through, you won't be able to get rid of me." He laughs.

"I guess you're right."

"Enjoy the view, Jake." You hang up, but know he is still watching.

Thomas arrives shortly after. He and Hannah have an equally emotional reunion, he gingerly pressing kisses to her hands, her forehead, her cheeks and a slow reminder of her lips against his. Her voice is stronger now. Lilly sits beside you in the other hospital chair. She looks exhausted. You take her hand between both of yours and give it a small squeeze. She smiles at you.

"Jake?" Her voice is a whisper as to not distract the lovers still embracing one another. You nod down to your phone perched in it's hidden viewing pocket of your coat. She smiles.

"I told him he has to plan a trip here immediately. You three have a lot to catch up on." She giggles.

"Do you need to call your parents?" She shakes her head.

"No, the nurse said she had. They should be here shortly."

          You both watch the couple for a time. Lilly stirs in her seat as the sound of hurried feet cross the tiled floor. Mr. and Mrs. Donfort stop in the doorway before flooding in to greet their daughter. Thomas politely steps back and allows them to reconnect. He catches your eye and nods to the door. The three of you exit into the hall, where you find a quiet place near the room.

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