Part 4 - Misadventures

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          You and Jessy stumble out of the Aurora's back door, Phil hot on your heels. The turning of a lock accompanied the jingling of multiple keys clicking against one another echo loudly in your ears.

"Phil, big brother, are you sure you're good to go home? You drank some....some drinks too." Phil heaves a sigh.

"You're one to talk. I'm not even driving." Jessy leans into you.

"Okay. Have a good night." She pulls you toward a street at the end of the alley.

"Q." You stop. Phil's voice is almost a whisper in the wind but also demands your full attention.

"I'll make sure we get back to Jessy's place. Want me to text you?"

"That would be for the best." Jessy tugs on your arm. You give Phil a nod then let her guide you down the street.

       "Jess, I'm...I'm not from Duskwood but I'm pretty sure ...we are going the wrong way." She slyly smiles back at you over her shoulder. Temptation flickers in her eyes like little embers flaring to life.

"I was thinking of where I... could take you. Like a...a little.... adventure. My favorite spot? The dare house?" You laugh.

"Aren't those a little far? the dead of night?" She simply shrugs at you. You pull out your phone and look at the map Jake had installed on your phone during the investigation.

"Not to *hiccup* burst your bubble, but both of those are on the opposite side of town. Maybe...maybe tomorrow when we have both sobered up." You hiccup again. Jessy laughs at your misfortune.

       "I know a place..." She starts pulling you toward the center of town. You recognized the area from Jessy's virtual tour. The town square is dimly lit at such a late hour. The only sound is the bubbling of the fountain. Jessy begins to sway, as if she is listening to a song only she can hear. She takes your hands and begins twisting and turning, pulling you along as she goes. You get the hint and pull her into you for a dizzying waltz toward the center of the plaza. You turn her into you before spinning her away. She giggles giddily and loses her footing. You pull her hand and she stumbles into you. You both laugh, breathless.

        As you both catch your breath, Jessy looks into your face, searching.

"Jessy?" She leans in.

"Jess, wait." You put a little space between you both. Her face twists into pain, confusion and shock. You feel a pang of guilt and discomfort by the sudden space.

"Q? What..."

"Wait, Jessy, we've been dancing around each other long before we met. If you kiss me now, I...I am committed to make us work. I don't...I don't want you to think you've made a mistake because we had too...too much to drink."

"Q, you already...know how I feel." She takes a step into you.

         Flashing lights appear down the street. You instantly pull on Jessy's hand and maneuver her into a dark corner near a series of shops. You cover her body with hers. As the lights approach you pull the hood of your hoodies over your head. Little warm huffs of air move over your neck, tickling at loose strands of hair. You keep watching the street as the police car stops across the square. Hands gently but forcibly take hold of your face. She pulls you to her, her lips press yours as pages in a book press together when a reader fondly turns the page. Her lips taste of her last drink, sweet with a touch of peaches, light as bubbling champagne, but burning you like whiskey. You feel heady, slipping from shock to something more intoxicating than any alcohol. You tentatively press into her, feeling her back press solidly against the wall. You delve a little deeper, exploring the taste of her lips. The tip of her tongue snakes out to brush yours.

         Bright light sears your retinas. You can't see who is approaching but you can hear the heavy steps. You keep your head low, using your hand to block the light from both your faces.

"Ms. Hawkins, it's a little late to be sucking your friend's face, don't you think?" Jessy steps forward.

"Do you mind? You're blinding us here." Her tone is fierce and aggravated. The light points down to about chest height. Bright spots fill your vision as your eyes try to sort themselves.

"Jesus, Alan. You nearly blinded us permanently." Jessy steps right up to the man in uniform.

"Ms. Hawkins, you know to address me as Chief Bloomgate. I got a call about two loons displaying drunken behavior in the square.It doesn't look like you are -- disturbing anyone. Do you need a ride home?" He looks past Jessy to try to get a better view of your face under the hood.

"Alan, we'll walk back. Stop looking at us like circus attractions. We're going." Jessy clasps your hand, her palms sweaty. Jessy leads you clear of the police chief.

         "What's your name? I don't recognize you." You pull on Jessy's hand.

"He isn't going to let us go without a response." You turn, careful to keep the hood over your eyes.

"I'm Shiloh. I'm a friend of Jessy's from out of town. We met when she was visiting Paris. Two tourists looking for all the things to explore."

"Shiloh. Uh-huh. Try not to get lost again."

        Jessy locked the door securely behind you. She leaned heavily against it as you slump onto the sofa. 'Jake is going to kill me then bury me where no one could find me, except him.' On cue, your phone chimes. You let out a groan as you open it. Jake has definitely left you a message but you decide it can wait until after you've slept. You open the chat with Phil.

"Made it back safely. Took a stop by town's square. Good Night." You send the message then turn off your phone.

        "You look exhausted. Shower is the first door on the right after the kitchen. Get cleaned up." Jessy walks down the hall and turns on the light in the room she mentions. She reaches in. You set your phone on the coffee table. A soft heavy shroud knocks you back into the sofa. You can hear Jessy rolling with laughter. You pull the item obstructing your view off your head to see a plush towel and Jessy leaning heavily in the doorway, holding her stomach, tears starting to streak down her face.

"I hope you have a stomach ache." You say tossing the towel back at her. She catches it and sets it inside the bathroom.

"The look on your face..." She laughs all the way down the hall until she disappears into her bedroom.

         The hot water and steam help to melt away the last little bit of the night's festivities, returning you to the world of sobriety. You smile though. 'I don't know if this is a mistake, but it is worth it.' You turn off the water and come to a sudden realization that you left your clothes in your bag on the sofa. The lines of profanity fall from your lips with a groan. You crack the door. You can hear a radio playing from behind Jessy's door. You eye the bag across the room. You take a deep breath. In an easy motion you speed across the room and grab your bag. You begin the return trip to safety, the towel wrapped about your body slipping in the process. You make it back into the bathroom before it falls completely, but only manage to close the door after hearing someone giggle down the hall. 


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