Part 5 - Even on Sunny Days there is Rain...

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        You inhale deeply, shoulders shrugging off the sudden wave of embracement.

"Fuck." You take a final look into the mirror before opening the door. Plates clinking together in the kitchen signal Jessy's location. You walk into the room and settle in a chair at the table. She raises an eyebrow at you and whistles.

"Drinks and a show? Aren't I lucky?" You groan. She laughs. Her fingers easily break eggs into a hot pan. You look for words to say but everything is a jumbling mess in your head. This trip so far has been busy since arriving in Duskwood: the hospital, the bar, the town's square, a close call... a kiss.

        Jessy set a plate in front of you. Over easy eggs, buttered toast and avocado slices are carefully placed on a white plate.

"Q? Are you alright?"

"Sorry, Jessy, just a lot on my mind, and maybe too much to drink." She goes to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of juice. As she moves to get a glass you stand. 'I appreciate the doting but, damn it Jess, let someone else take care of you.' You reach for the cabinet door, your hand grazing hers.

"Have a seat, Jess. Let me take it from here." She raises a brow at you but doesn't back away.

"I'm not some delicate flower, Q. You were always there for us, even if you weren't here. Let me treat you a bit." She leans into you, her back pressing into your chest. She lays her head back, her hair laying across your shoulder. She steps away, two glasses in hand. You stand there for a moment, still holding the cabinet door open. 'Tease.'

        You wake up to soft morning light filtering through the drawn curtains. Your skull rides the highs and lows of the roller coaster called a hangover headache. Everything feels heavy as you slowly get up, trudge to the bathroom, take a couple Advil from your bag. You go through the motions of getting ready for the day before sitting on the couch again. A little chime goes off to your right. The phone comes off the charger easily. A message from Phil sits beneath the most recent message from Jake.

Jake: Have fun?

Maybe a little too much. Had a close call with Alan :Q

Jake: I noticed.

I'll be more careful.

I don't foresee another drunken night

in Duskwood in the near future.

What's on your mind? :Q

Jake: Hannah's parents got a call from the hospital.

Good news...

Or bad?

:(    :Q

Jake: Hard to say. She woke up briefly

but her mental state is still so shattered

they put her into a medically induced coma.

I'm so sorry, Jake.

But the fact that she woke up on her own

That is good.

Now they will be able to

ease her back into reality. :Q

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