Lonely/ Home

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Patients almost gone
He's so far gone
Ran away to find a better place
Can't find one
Got got to go back to the place
The one he is trying to escape
Guess he'll never be able to
Trapped in that place
Called a disgrace
Never shows his face
Stays hidden
No one knows he exist
Unless it is to get something from him
There is one person
He wants to notice him
He never does
Such a shame
Thought the quiet one
Loud and proud
Is the one he wants
But he never notices him
So he rolls a blunt
Lonely as always
Is what he is
Lonely as always
With no friends


Void of emotion

Kisses by the moonlight
Again and again

Fluffy and dark

His body
Covered in art

Mask on
Hood up

Never feeling
Good enough

Head low
Head down

Terrified of big crowds

Stays quiet
Never loud

Stays silent
Never proud

Eyes low
Glued to the ground

Getting more pale
By the day
Or night it should say

Hair however
Stays the same

His body
Covered in hidden scars

Mask stays
Hood stays

Stars goes
Sun goes

Nothing ever stays
So it is what it is
That's what he says

At peace
All alone

It is the place
The place in his mind
That he calls

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