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I study for test
For exams
I write or type all day long
I sit down for hours at a time
Just because of school

Social media
Social media
Social media
I have to look perfect for pictures
For videos
One thing out of line
I'll get made fun of for it
Til the end of time

Fake smiles
Can't let anyone know how insecure I am
I'll be seeking for attention and complements
Cover some skin
Can't let anyone know how confident I am
I'll be too cocky and conceited

I deal through shit
Just like everyone else
What's the point
We all die
Why take it seriously
I just hope I past my time past
And I hope it comes fast

Entering it
No option to opt out
Until you get killed
Or kill your self
But you can't do that
Or you'll be selfish
Spoiler alert
In the end
You don't make it out alive
We all die
We are mortals
It doesn't matter what you are
You will die
I never agreed to this
Life that is
I wish I could of gotten
Some sort of subscription
One I could cancel
I could slit my wrist
And be over with it
Or go to the ledge
Jump off then I'm dead
Or down a bottle of pills
Hopefully there won't be any
Hospital bills
So away I'll fly
Far and high
Hopefully somewhere
Where I can experience peace
Hopefully I'll be there tonight
These demons
Making me numb
Mentally drained
I sleep
Trying to get rid of these voices
Out of my brain
Trying to silence them
Slowly losing the war
These demons
Are starting to create scars
I hope they heal
I hope they past
I hope that time
Will completely past
And hope it's fast

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