Chapter 19 - CATastrophe

Start from the beginning

I walked down the stairs and made my way into the living room. Nightmare had been sitting in the kitchen this time, instead of the living room.

I placed the kitten on the ground and watched as he tripped over his own feet a few times. I giggled a bit. Nightmare had heard me from the other room, and peaked in to look at me and Line.

Line had made his way to the couch, and was trying to crawl under it. I snatched him up before he could and I placed him on the furniture.

He shook a bit and stood in fear at the sudden change of the terrain below him. He slowly walked across the couches surface before taking off and running. He almost fell off of the couch a few times.

I grabbed the kitten and set him on the ground. He immediately dashed past me and over to the living room entrance. Nightmare was standing in the opening, while a very faint smile on his face. As soon as he noticed I was looking at him, his smile faded.

"Why do you have Line down here?" I was a little shocked he had taken the time to actually remember the kitten's name.

"I'm getting the kittens used to being downstairs one at a time. They're small, and I don't wanna lose them." I took my hand off of Line for a few seconds, but I could still hear him crawling behind me as I looked up at Nightmare.

"Line is escaping by the way." He pointed behind me and Line had made his way back over to the couch. All I could see was his tail sticking out from under the couch. I dashed over to the couch and went to grab Line. I heard Nightmare chuckled at my failed attempts to get Line out from under the couch.

Once I finally got a hold of Line, I pulled him out from under the couch. I held him to my stomach and I looked down at his small body. He was meowing in my hands. I looked up from Line to Nightmare, and he was staring at the small kitten in my hands.

A grin grew on his face. I raised an eyebrow and he looked up at me. He then turned around and faced the staircase. My eyes widened. I knew exactly what he was planning. He teleported away. I tucked Line into my armpit and ran to the staircase. I ran up the stairs to my room as quickly as I could.

When I opened the door, Nightmare was standing over the kitten's bed, though none laying in it. I glanced up at his tentacles and there were the kittens. I gave a small gasp and Nightmare turned around slowly in response.

"You put them down." I commanded with a bit of a pouty face. If he let them roam around the house, there's no doubt I'd lose at least one of them.

"Why should I listen to you? Seeing you struggle with the kittens would be fun to me." He chuckled and lifted the tentacles more into the air, to make himself look bigger, and to keep the kittens out of my reach.

"1. This is my house, and I'm allowing you to stay here. 2. Technically I own the kittens, and you don't." I let my arms relax, and almost dropped Line, but continued to look at Nightmare. My eyes had squinted a bit in his direction now, showing I was annoyed.

"Those aren't good enough reasons to convince me to stop." Nightmare then brushed past me and I went to latch onto his jacket sleeve, but I missed. He exited my room, and made his way down the stairs. I ran after him.

Nightmare was now at the end of the stairs, and I was running down them. I heard Line meow so I quickly turned to look at him tucked into me. He was purring.

Before I knew it, I was distracted by Line, and I had tripped. I was falling down the stairs. In an instant, Nightmare had wrapped a tendril around me and brought me to his side.

"Trying to stall me?" He placed me down and continued on his way into the living room. I continued behind me, waiting to grab the kittens.

He reached the living room and moved the coffee table that was in the middle of the room. There was just a black carpet now that the kittens could run on. It wasn't a bad idea, though I was still a bit nervous. Nightmare then set the kittens down in the middle of the room. His tendrils stretched out and created a barricade around the room.

"Do you have anything to keep the kittens in so I don't have to stay here like this?" I saw a sweat bead roll down his forehead. He must have felt vulnerable not being able to have his tentacles ready when he needed them.

"No, I don't. I wasn't expecting this." I placed Line down in the center of the room with the other kittens. They were struggle to stand up on the carpet because of the new texture.

I heard Nightmare sigh, and he let himself fall backwards onto the couch. I stood in the middle of the room for a second with the kittens looking at him. Then I remembered.

"Stay here for a second, I may have something." I then dashed out of the room.

Nightmare's POV:

"Stay here for a second, I may have something." Y/N spoke up. I gazed over at them. I had dazed off for a second. 'Stay here for a second', yeah as if I could go anywhere. They'd be upset if I lost one of the kittens, and I didn't want that.

I continued to sit on the couch, and watch as the kittens ran around on the carpet. They fell a few times, but eventually started getting used to the texture of the carpet. They all reminded me of the gang.

They were strangers at the start, but eventually lightened up to each other and now they're inseparable. Specifically Horror and Killer. They always acted like children, and pulled stupid stunts and pranks on the others. Though they'd never dare try it on me.

Which was understandable. I was their 'Boss'. I am also a king, and they know very well if ticked off I could and would kill.

I huffed and watched as Pitch ran away from the group of kittens. Error. Reminded me of Error. Now that I think about it, it was pretty ironic that each of the kittens kind of represented one of the members of the gang.

I chuckled at my own thoughts and looked up from the kittens, to stare out a window. There was the same old tree. A few squirrels were climbing on it, and others chasing each other. Nature.

I heard Y/N come running in from the other room. They had run in with a few baby gates. Y/N almost fell as they tried to stop running. I couldn't help but smirk at their efforts. I couldn't do anything else, since my tentacles were currently occupied by surrounding the kittens.

"Baby gates. Not a bad idea. Where did you get them?" I stood up and Y/N walked over to me. They leaned the gates against the couch and looked up at me.

"I've had them in my basement for a few years now. They used to me used on me, but now they're useless against me." They giggled at the idea of someone using a baby gate for an adult. I nodded and reached out for one.

"Let's set them up then." I picked up 2, and so did Y/N. We created a decent sized circle around the kittens and watched as they continued to run around. I retracted my tentacles once the area was completely sealed off and went to sit back down on the couch.

Once I was sitting down, Y/N had made their way to sit next to me. Their weight evened out the cushions on the couch. Their presence was warm. I closed my eye socket to relax and heard Y/N giggle, I was assuming at the kittens.

"Oh look, it's like a happy family!" I opened my eye socket and Y/N had their head turned to the voice. I had already known it was Error's. But wait. A what? A happy family? Did he mean me, Y/N, and the kittens? I glanced at Y/N who's eyes were wide and a pink tint was on their face.

"A-A what?" Their voice cracked in the middle of their sentence. Only a glitchy laugh came from Error.


Sorry I hadn't updated this! I just wasn't feeling motivated, but now I am :D. I'm glad I was able to finally write, and I'm glad to see people are actually reading this stuff. I didn't expect anyone to actually read this. This whole story was just meant to be more of a practice story for me adfkla

Pages: 5.8

Words: 2,190

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