Chapter 26 - Attack on Hosu

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One Week Later...

Mr Aizawa: "You've all got your costumes, right? Don't lose them."

The class nodded.

Hagakure: "I'm looking forward to this!"

Y/N: "Me too!"

Everyone began walking towards different trains, separating the class. You reach down for your bags and look around for your train. You notice Todoroki walk past you, heading towards his train.

Y/N: "Hey! Todoroki!"

He turns to you.

Y/N: "Good luck."

He gives you a miniscule smile.

Shoto: "Take care of yourself, L/N."

You remember that Iida is on the same internship and look around for him. Being so tall, he's pretty easy to spot. You hurry over to follow him onto the train.

Y/N: "This is super exciting! Right, Iida?"

Iida: "... Yes... very exciting..."

Deku: "Iida!"

You hear Midoriya's voice and both of you turn around.

Deku: "If you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to us. We're friends after all..."

Iida: "Yes, I understand. Thank you."

He walks off to the train without another word. You turn to Midoriya.

Y/N: "Don't worry, Midoriya. I'll take care of him."

Deku: "I appreciate it, L/N."

You smile and wave at him as you quickly follow after Iida. The train to Hosu arrives, and just like that, you're on your way to the internship. When you get there, you were immediately put to work.

Manual: "Typically, there'd be tons of waiting by the phone for requests. But recently, well... Hosu's gotten a bit hectic! The borough's patrols have been reined back. Though I've gotta say, I'm happy Ingenium's little brother came along to my agency! I'm also happy to have a fellow water user!"

Y/N: "Thank you again for nominating me! I'm so excited for this opportunity!"

Manual: "I look forward to working with both of you."

The rest of the day continued with patrolling. The day passed without incident. The Next Day...

Manual: "Today, it's... even more patrolling! Sorry I couldn't switch things up for something a little more exciting!"

Y/N: "It's alright, right, Iida?"

Iida: "Yes. It's actually better this way."

Manual: "Uh... I know it's a bit awkward to ask, but you're chasing after the Hero Killer... aren't you?"

Iida: "That's..."

Manual: "I couldn't think of any other reason you'd come to my office. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy you came... It's just... You shouldn't act out a personal grudge."

Y/T: 'Grudge?'

Y/N: "Why would Iida have a grudge against the Hero Killer?"

Manual: "Don't you know? Ingenium was attacked and severely injured by Stain..."

Y/T: '... So that's why Midoriya was so concerned... I understand now.'

Manual: "Us heroes don't have the authority to decide punishments, or jurisdiction to make arrests. Heroism mustn't become vigilantism. If, by any chance, you do take that occasion... that would be a heavy sin indeed. Ah! But no! Sorry! I'm not saying the hero killer is without sin or anything..."

Iida: "I appreciate your warning."

Later that night, Hosu came under the attack of horrible monster like creatures, heavily resembling the Nomu from the USJ attack.

Manual: "Aquarius! Tenya! We need to get out of here! Follow me, quickly!"

You run with Manual, unaware that Iida didn't follow. Both of you use your water quirks to help control the many fires that started around the city. Your mind wonders where Iida went. You quickly look around and spot footprints that seemed to matched Iida's shoe size.

Y/T: 'That has to be him!'

You follow the footprints but as you reach a branching pathway, the prints disappear.

Y/T: 'Damnit!!'

You turn back around to help Manual put out the fires. The next day, Iida was in the hospital...

Y/N: "Iida! Are you okay?! I heard what happened!"

Iida: "L/N... You're here..."

Y/N: "Iida... You're hurt... Damnit!! Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?!"

Iida: "I... I apologize... I worried you... I'm truly sorry..."

Y/N: "Of course I was worried! We're friends! When I heard you ran into the Hero Killer... I just... I...I... I went looking for you. I saw your footprints... so I followed them but lost the trail."

Iida: "I... I'm sorry..."

Iida looks down in shame.

Iida: "L/N... I hope you can forgive me..."

Y/N: "Of course, Iida... You're safe now, that's what matters."

Your turn you head and see Todoroki and Midoriya sitting also in the room.

Y/N: "Oh! Midoriya! Todoroki! I didn't see you there."

Shoto: "Oh? You're interning with Iida?"

Y/N: "Yeah, with Manual. He has a water quirk like mine, so I thought it'd be best if I worked with him."

Shoto: "Right..."

Y/N: "I'm just glad to see you're okay... You too, Midoriya."

The door opens revealing Manual and a short old man in a yellow costume.

Manual: "Ah! Y/N! I didn't expect to see you here."

Y/N: "Oh, I was just checking on Iida."

Manual: "Right. These three have a visitor. You can come with me."

Y/N: "Oh! Alright!"

You turn and wave at the trio.

Y/N: "See you, guys."

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