Chapter 9

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As I was falling the memories of my life flashed before my eyes like a presentation going past my eyes. Then I realized something.

Y/N was the one that was always there for me.

She was the one that stopped me from going in front of the car. She was the one that always made sure I was alright.

And now I let her down by doing something stupid. I'm a screw up I'm so sorry Y/N. .

I know you'll be hurting my family probably will be too but I'm sorry I can't take it anymore. I need to end my life so I can be happy again.

Reader-Chan's POV

I followed Todoroki around the corner, as I was following him I was wondering why he going down this way. I hid when he looked back. It looks like he is seeing if anyone is following him. . .

Please Todoroki. . . Please don't do what I think you are going to do. .

Once I saw him walk further into the ally I went after him.

He opened the door to a building again checking if anyone was following him. I waited a bit and then went in. I started to climb the stairs.

All kinds of things was going through my head of what Todoroki was going to do. I heard the door open at the top and decided to wait a bit.

I couldn't hear anything. There was no sound for a while.

After some time I went up and opened the door. "Todoroki?" I said looking around the place. I couldn't see him. I walked out and looked around the place where I was stood. But no sign of him. I closed the door and walked further.

"Todoroki? Can you hear me?" I asked again. There no answer.

I went around the roof but I couldn't see him. Oh no don't tell! I ran to the edge and saw Todoroki laying there on the floor "NO TODOROKI!!"

I ran down the stairs, please let him be alive! Please let me make it there in time!!

I ran out the door and saw him laying there, blood everywhere around him, he wasn't moving either. I ran over to his body and shook. "TODOROKI WAKE UP THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!" I shouted.

But there was no response from him. I started to cry hard while still shaking him but I could tell there was no point. I checked his pulse just in case but as I thought. .

Shoto Todoroki is dead. . .

~the end~

Note: I DIDN'T want to end it like this believe me guys. But please do not message me and say "you NEED to make sure he lives" or "you HAVE to do this" because NO I don't!

I do not mine you guys SUGGESTING things for me to do, but DON'T message me saying I have to.

I was crying while I was writing that Shoto Todoroki is one of my comfort character's of course I didn't want him dead. But . . . I am not going to do something when you tell me I have to because I don't have to.

Thanks for reading everyone


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