Chapter 4

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Shoto's POV

Present Mic explained that we had to write an essay about the times we were happy. Well that made me stuck. I don't have a time when I was happy. I don't have any happy memories like everyone else.

All my life I've been beaten up
All my life I've been mentally hurt not just physically.

My life sucks.

Let's face it no one wants you here. Everyone would be happy if you just disappeared. Your own father hates you.
Your brother and sister always try to protect you.
All your friends, they ain't your friends they are only with you because they feel sorry for you nothing more.
They wouldn't even care if you disappeared for ever.

Shut up, shut up.


I heard my name being whispered and I looked to the side of me. I saw Y/N looking at me with worry and sympathy. "What?" I asked her, I sounded harsh but that look, she feels sorry for me.

"What's wrong Todoroki?" She asked me.

"Nothing is wrong."

"Then why are you putting on your headphones when your suppose to be listening? It's not like you Todoroki." She said.

I looked down and saw my headphones in my hand.

I grabbed them when the thoughts started and I never realized. . . Is that how many times I done this that I'm doing it and not even paying attention?

Why is this happening to me?

Because your weak.

I'm not weak...

Yes you are. You let your siblings take the beating for you because you don't want it. Maybe they don't either.

Shut up.

No, I won't you deserve to be beaten.

No I don't. . .

Yes you do.

I took out the mini cutter I had in blazer pocket and started to cut my wrists under the desk. No one noticed me doing it, and to honest I don't think they even care about me anyway.

So I continued to cut.

Each one more painful and deep then the last.

When Mic turned around I stopped and put the cutter away. I rolled down my sleeves and rested my arms on the desk like nothing happened.

Not too long later everyone could go to lunch.

So I packed everything up and left.

Reader-Chan's POV

I waited behind when everyone left Todoroki left with Midoriya. Once everyone did I was thankful no one noticed me not leaving with them. I got up and walked to Todoroki's desk. He was doing something under this desk and I'm going to find out what it was.

As I looked around his desk I couldn't see anything. Damnit Todoroki what are you doing... Why you acting so weird? This isn't you.

I continued to look around but I couldn't find anything. I sat down in his chair and looked down, my eyes widened when I saw blood on the floor. My mind wandered to why there would be blood on the floor but there was only one thing I could think of as to why.

No, Todoroki wouldn't harm himself.

Would he?

I continued to think about it but before I think more I had a message off Midoriya.

Y/N where are you?

Not good for your health if you skip meals!

Huuuuuurry up Y/N

My god these guys don't give you chance...

You ok? Your taking awhile.

I should be the one asking you that Todoroki.

I replied saying I would be there in a minute. I quickly cleaned the blood up so no one asks Todoroki anything before I can get him to talk.

I ran to the cafeteria and got food then joined the rest of them. I looked at Todoroki and kept my eyes on him.

Shoto's POV

I ate my soba while the others talked to eachother. My cuts which was fresh burning but I ignored it.

I felt someone's eyes on me and when I looked it was Y/N, she smiled and I gave a small nod to her and continued to eat.

Funny how this is all I have all day just lunch at school and yet I'm great.

All of a sudden the alarms went off and everyone was rushed out side, turns out it was a fault in the system. But we all went home early lucky. Me.

End of the fourth chapter!

How is it so far?

I feel like I want to cry!

Shoto: *hugs author-Chan*

Still feel like I want to cry Because I'm doing this to Shoto QwQ

Bye for now

To be continued!

Depressed! Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now