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May 9, 1988

Stevie was in a state of panic as she stared down at her calendar. She had done what she promised and after an in-depth conversation with Dr. Skye, she discovered that A), her cycles were always the second week of the month, no matter where it fell. B) depending on her cycle, 9 days after the period ends is the most fertile period for a woman. C) She can get pregnant any time in the cycle but it's more likely in the nine days and following week and a half after her period. So looking at her calendar and trying to map out when she and Lindsey can safely have unprotected sex because they were married and she knew he really didn't want to deal with getting protection and she didn't want to go back on it-when she was on it in her twenties it caused her significant ovarian cyst issues-she had to physically map everything out. 

Why she was in a state of panic though was because the night they had in Hawaii, fell right at her most fertile time. Then there was the fact that today should be the second day of her period. She hadn't gotten it yet, it was still early in the week and it could hit her at any time, but she just could not wrap her head around it. With that in mind, she picked up the phone and dialed Dr. Skye. 

"Dr. Skye's office, this is Candy how can I help you?" The receptionist asks. 

"Can I be patched through to Dr. Skye, it's Stephanie Buckingham." 


"No, don't say it. It's my alias. Yes it's the Queen." Stevie cuts her off. 

Her legal last name was Nicks. All of her files said Nicks. Her name on William's birth certificate was Nicks, but to keep everything private she went by Stephanie Buckingham. It didn't matter, usually someone could figure it out especially given Lindsey's last name and William's last name, but she felt safer. 

"Alright, I'll patch you through." 

She listened to the stupid elevator music playing on the phone and then finally it picked up.

"This is Dr. Skye." 

"Dr. Skye, its Stevie Nicks...how early can you detect a pregnancy." She bites her lip.

"Usually about five weeks. VIA blood scan and urine analysis...might I ask why?"

"Oh god, remember how we were talking about tracking and everything." 

"Your cycle yes." 

"Lindsey and I had sex on April 29th and according to my calendar it's a very fertile day. Today is supposed to be the second day of my period but I haven't gotten it yet and I'm probably over thinking it but I just need to know." 

"If you are pregnant, given the date of your last menstrual cycle you would be about about 5 weeks pregnant. So if you come in today and we draw blood and you pee in a cup, I can tell you if you're pregnant. But when you're trying for a baby, often times you have to have a lot of sex to conceive." 

"I guess that's a good point. I mean with William, Lindsey and I had so much sex those two weeks around when I thought he was conceived that I can see that, but my mom used to always say it only takes once when she gave me the sex-talk." Stevie was running her fingers through her hair. 

"In rare cases it can only take once yes. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms?" 

"What would they be...I wasn't clued in on William until I...I guess I was about seven weeks along. I would be earlier than that." Stevie explains. 

"Well, you would start feeling symptoms this week. They may look like food cravings, fatigue, nausea, and excess saliva." She lists.

"No, none of that." Stevie sighs. 

"Okay, there you go." 

"But I still..." 

"Okay look, it's still early in the week. You could very well get your period this afternoon. If you haven't gotten a period in two weeks. So May 27th, that's a Friday, if you haven't gotten your period by then take a home pregnancy test okay." Dr. Skye sighs through the phone.

"I want to know now though." Stevie whimpers.

"Trust me. Just trust me." Dr. Skye tries to sooth her.

It was then that Mick stepped into her office to alert her of some royal business that she needs to do. She holds up her pointer finger and he nods backing out of the room to let her finish her conversation.

"Alright." Stevie sighs.

"Do you want to set up an appointment for May 31st. I have an opening at four o'clock. IF you get your period you can cancel, and if you do in fact end up with a positive pregnancy test we can confirm it for you." 

"Yeah, yeah please." Stevie bites her lip.

"Alright, I'll pencil you in. Have a good day Stevie." 

"Thanks, have a good day." She hangs up the phone and she plops her head down in her hands. 

Mick comes back in and looks at her and he raises an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine, there's just a lot going on right now." Stevie shakes her head.

"Alright, well your ten-thirty is here." Mick explains.

"Send them in." Stevie nods putting her stuff away. 


May 26, 1988

Stevie couldn't take it anymore. She really physically couldn't take it anymore. She hadn't gotten her period, so she was almost certain that she was having a baby and there was a feeling of existential dread brewing within her. She couldn't believe that she had been so stupid to give into that craving like that. And now, Lindsey had been right again..."I hope you don't regret it". 

It was her birthday and usually she doesn't work on her birthday, but with the annual Garden party literally in two days she had a lot she still needed to do. Once she was given a moment to breathe she paged Nathaniel and they went to the pharmacy. She sent him in to get what she needed so no one could suspect her. As soon as she got back to Amalfi, she peeped her head in on Lindsey and William. They were watching cartoons in the living room and then she quickly ran upstairs. 

Looking down at the tests in her hand, she started to cry because she didn't want this. She didn't want it at all. But the plus side was, she wasn't puking this pregnancy. 

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